讲座时间:2019年11月22日 14:30-16:30
林兟博士毕业于新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 。毕业后供职于清华大学五道口金融学院资产管理研究中心博士后,合作导师为余剑峰教授。其研究领域涵盖了行为金融,资产定价,微观市场结构,机器学习的金融理论应用等。论文发表于Accounting and Finance, Journal of Management and Engineering等国际期刊,入选CFRC等高水平国际金融会议。其论文‘Short-term Reversal and Realized Profit: The Role of Mental Account Editing in Prospect Theory’(报告论文)获2019金融学年会优秀论文三等奖。
Previous studies regard short-term reversal as a compensation for liquidity risk. In this paper, we document that a high prior realized profit reduces the risk aversion of liquidity suppliers, and thus reduces the short-term reversal spread in cross-section. We form portfolios double sorted on last month return and realized gain, and find that there is a statistically significant mean of reversal spread among stocks with low realized gain (-1.6% per month). In contrast, the spread becomes negligible among stocks with high realized gain (-0.1% per month). Inspired by prospect theory of Kahneman and Tversky (1979), we find that an explanation based on the mental accounting with quasi-hedonic editing outperforms others, especially for result of the asymmetric influence of the realized gain and loss on the reversal spread.