


讲座预告 | Spreading Words Online in Disasters






徐博士的研究成果发表在国际的主要期刊和会议上。包括有IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information and Management, Decision Support Systems, and the Expert Systems with Applications, International Conference on Information Systems,等等。文章的引用次数超过千次,h-index是16.同时,徐博士还是多个学术期刊的副主编和编委和国际信息系统学年会议的组织者。其担任以下期刊的副主编:Information & Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Australasian Journal of Information Systems;亚太地区信息系统学年会的常务理事和2019年年会的议程主席,2018年欧洲年会的IT创新议程主席等。

讲座内容:The wide adoption of online broadcasting tools, such as Twitter, Weibo and Facebook, has allowed massive online message retransmission in disasters (OMRID). Even though OMRID can have significant effects on disaster recovery, disaster managers and tool designers lack theories for how to facilitate high-quality message retransmission in disasters. In this paper, we explain why prior theories are limited in their ability to explain OMRID due to the assumptions they make. To overcome this problem, we propose a new theory of OMRID with more realistic assumptions. The theory of OMRID provides a unified account of how tool capabilities enable message cues that in turn trigger message receivers’ psychological states which then trigger message retransmission behaviour, and do so differently in different disaster contexts. Overall, the theory contributes by building a new foundation for future research, and by providing useful insights for online broadcasting tool designers and stakeholders involved in disaster management.