主讲人简介:刘霞老师现任清华大学新葡京娱乐场 副教授,其研究方向包括娱乐营销、社交媒体与数字营销、营销和金融的结合领域。研究成果发表在Management Science、Journal of Marketing、Journal of Marketing Research、Marketing Letters、Information Systems and e-Business Management等国际顶尖和一流学术期刊,以及《中国软科学》、《南开管理评论》、《科学学研究》等国内一流期刊。担任国际顶级期刊Journal of Marketing Research匿名评审、《营销科学学报》主编助理。
讲座内容:This study examines the question of who will provide future helpful reviews in the context of online product reviews by synergistically using data analytics and psychological theories. It trains a deep learning model to infer a reviewer’s personality traits. This enables analyses to reveal the role of personality traits in review helpfulness among a large population of reviewers. Hypotheses are developed on how personality traits are associated with review helpfulness, followed by hypotheses testing that confirms that higher review helpfulness is related to higher openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness, and to lower emotional stability. These results suggest the appropriateness of using the five personality traits as inputs for developing a predictive model for predicting future review helpfulness. Based on machine learning techniques, a predictive model is developed and shown to have superior predictive power. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.