


讲座预告| Channel Strategy for Manufacturers in the Presence of Service Free Riders


讲座时间:2018年7月2日(周一) 上午9:30-11:30


主讲人:Jenny Chen陈静教授


主讲人简介:现任加拿大达尔豪西大学Rowe商学院运筹及供应链管理系教授。陈博士2008年获加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院管理科学博士学位。其后任教温尼伯大学管理经济学院及达尔豪西大学Rowe商学院。主要研究方向为顾客退货、供应链管理和收益管理。在国际主流期刊上发表论文30余篇。现任国际期刊《International Transaction in Operational Research》的副主编。兼任International Transaction in Operational Research 2016特刊、Annals of Operations Research2018特刊和International Journal of Production Research 2018特刊的嘉宾主编。

讲座内容:We examine the case of a manufacturer that must decide whether to sell its product directly and/or indirectly through an independent retailer, and both the manufacturer and the retailer must decide on the level of service effort they will provide. When a channel provides a high service level, some customers may first visit this channel’s store to take advantage of the service, only to turn around and buy the product from another cheaper channel (free riding). The objective of our paper is to examine the impact of the customer’s free riding behavior on a manufacturer that makes the vertical channel structure decision.