


讲座预告 | On the Horns of a Dilemma? System Loophole Exploitation, Recovery Measures and Sustained Online Community Participation



讲座题目:On the Horns of a Dilemma? System Loophole Exploitation, Recovery Measures and Sustained Online Community Participation(进退两难?系统漏洞滥用、挽救措施与用户持续社群参与)



主讲人简介:杨雪老师现为南京大学商学院营销与电子商务系副教授,曾担任新加坡国立大学信息系统系的助教、讲师,香港城市大学高级研究员,佐治亚大学商学院、佐治亚理工学院商学院访问学者,并曾参加哈佛商学院案例教学研讨会。于2008年获得新加坡国立大学信息系统专业博士学位。主要研究方向包括大数据环境下的移动商务与社会化商务、免费试用软件与产品、自发虚拟团队、企业与个人信息系统应用、在线学习等。研究成果发表在三十多个国内外一流期刊以及国际会议,并在国际会议及国内外知名大学发表学术讲座二十多次。负责国家自然科学基金(青年基金与面上基金)、南大文科校级规划项目、商学院青年研究基金、商学院案例开发等多个项目,参与国家社会科学基金重大项目,获江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象、南京大学商学院青年骨干教师、商学院科研新星奖、南京大学杜厦奖励基金奖教金、商学院教学奖、商学院英文精品课程、新加坡国立大学校长研究生奖学金等奖励。自2004年起担任国际信息系统协会及中国信息系统协会会员。目前担任SSCI期刊《Information & Management》、《Electronic Commerce Research》、《Journal of Global Information Management》、《Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems》副主编(Associate Editor)与《南大商学评论》执行编辑,担任十多个国际会议的委员会委员、分会场主席、副主编或会议主持等,并担任国家自然科学基金委、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学位论文通讯评议专家、近四十个知名国际期刊、国际会议匿名评审专家。

讲座内容:Online communities have been facilitating online users for various types of communications, activities, and consumption. Tremendous commercial values can be created through online community member participation. To achieve sustained participation, online communities need to maintain an environment with consistent rules for each participant. If any rule is broken and benefits some community members due to the system loopholes, other members under unfair treatment may be discouraged for future engagements. According to the just deserts theory, an online community’s decision on the recovery measure on the rule breach (e.g., punishment) will be critical for restoring the confidence of under-served members for sustained participation. However, at the same time, online community operators will face a dilemma between punishing the loophole exploiters to pacify other community members and maintaining neutral by not punishing anyone. In this study, we utilize the field data of an online gaming community to examine the effects of gaming rule breach in the form of BUG incidents on player responses. Then we examine the different solutions chose by the game operator to remedy the impacts of system BUGs (e.g., no punishment vs. punishment) and their influences on subsequent player behavior. By employing the methods of regression discontinuity and difference-in-differences model, we found that the occurrence of BUGs had negative impacts on the consumption amount and online duration of players. However, after the implementation of punishment on rule breakers as a recovery measure, other players' consumption amount and online duration were significantly improved. Additionally, this study also found that players who cooperated with the operator were immune to the negative influences of BUGs, further indicating the importance of communication and trust for the operation and management of the gami.