


讲座预告 | The Benefit of Horizontal Decentralization in Durable Good Procurement



讲座题目:The Benefit of Horizontal Decentralization in Durable Good Procurement耐用品水平分散采购的益处



主讲人简介:施春明博士是加拿大Wilfrid Laurier大学商业与经济学院副教授,以及供应链管理中心主任。施春明老师毕业于中国科学技术大学,并获得了电气工程和工商管理双学士学位。随后,施春明老师先后获得新加坡国立大学的电气工程的硕士学位以及华盛顿州立大学的运营管理博士学位。施老师的主要研究方向为供应链管理,可持续以及运营和会计的交叉研究。目前,施老师的文章已经发表在European Journal of Operational Research,Journal of the Operational Research Society,International Journal of Production Economics,Omega,以及IEEE Transactions on System,Man and Cybernetics等多个国际期刊上。施老师的研究还获得National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada和Chartered Accountants of Canada的资助。

讲座内容:A conventional wisdom in industry and academia is that firms suffer from decentralized procurement. In this paper, we demonstrate an important and counter-intuitive benefit of procurement decentralization in a common setting where a firm with multiple divisions procures a durable good from a supplier. We start with a two-period model and obtain analytic equilibrium results on the supplier’s wholesale prices, and the firm’s procurement quantities and profits under procurement centralization and decentralization. These results show that the firm’s profit will benefit from decentralization if and only if the product is durable. We further show that the profit improvement always increases in durability and the number of divisions. To generalize the basic model with two periods, we design an iterative algorithm to compute the equilibrium results for any number of periods. Our extensive numerical simulations show the robustness of our analytic results and managerial insights.