


讲座预告|Dominique GUEGAN:比特币及其对金融监管的挑战——Bitcoin and the challenges for financial regulation


讲座时间:2018年5月30日(周三)下午15:00 讲座地点:25楼A座三层C教室

讲座主题:比特币及其对金融监管的挑战——Bitcoin and the challenges for financial regulation

主讲人:Dominique GUEGAN


Teaching in English in Masters Formations in Econometrics, Finance and Statistics inside University Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (128 hours by year). Head of the Master 2 formation MMMEF, track “Quantitative Finance”in the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2007-2013). Research inside the Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES) in Paris. The main fields are : Nonlinear time series –Risk measures in finance –Financial markets –Parametric and nonparametric statistical methods –Deterministic chaotic systems. Calibration and estimation. Currently supervision of 4 PhD students inside the CES. Head of the team : Finance –Banking and Insurance insideCES (2007-2013). Member of the executive committee and of the scientific committee of the LaBex ReFi (2010-2013).. Member of LaBex ReFi. Member of the Paris 1-Selection Committee since 2010 to recruit professors and associated professors in Applied mathematics. Responsible of several international conventions (with Russia, Australia, some places in Europe).


Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency and has attracted extraordinary attention as a financial innovation. This attention results less from Bitcoin’s role as a digital medium of payment, exchange and store of value, than from the decentralized nature of Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoins pose various risks, some of them being remote and others more immediate. If remote risks do not, presently, require any regulatory intervention, immediate risks should not remain beyond the reach of financial law. Regulators need to put in place frameworks that protect against these risks but in a way that does not restrain innovation. Theoretically, there are three aspects of the Bitcoin ecosystem that may be subject to regulation: the Bitcoin system itself (Bitcoin protocol), the uses of Bitcoin and the members of the Bitcoin system. The regulation of the Bitcoin system itself proves extremely difficult as there is no central authority that administers and controls the system, which could be subject to regulation. On the contrary, regulation could apply to illegal uses that can be made of Bitcoins and to some of the members of the Bitcoin system, especially the exchange and wallet service providers.