




主题: Assessment Focused Research in Human Performance and System Design

主讲人: 新夫

时间: 2017年10月19日 上午09:00—10:30

地点: 25教学楼三层Class C



Small banks and innovation: Evidence from banking deregulation in China

In contrast to large banks, small banks can act as an important engine to promote local innovation. Using a detailed city-level bank branching dataset between 2006 and 2011, we find evidence that cities with more branches of small banks enjoy more patents of both invention and not-invention generated by industrial firms. Consistent with the view of small banks, we further find that the entry of joint stock banks has a larger effect on stimulating innovation, than that of city commercial banks, while the entry of large state-owned banks has a negative effect. We also find the relationship between the new branches of small banks and local patenting displays an inverted-U shape, indicating the effect of over-competition between banks. Finally, we verify that the effect of small banks on local patents is more pronounced when small banks have lent more to small-and-medium-sized enterprises.


南京大学会计学博士,新加坡国立大学商学院访问学者,香港城市大学会计系助理研究员,伦敦大学国王学院大数据与企业行为研究中心研究员,江苏省市场经济研究会理事,China Journal of Accounting Studies(《会计研究》英文刊)、《会计与经济研究》匿名审稿人。现任河海大学商学院MBA教育中心副主任(负责MPAcc项目建设),创新创业中心副主任。

研究方向为宏观环境与政策背景下的会计与财务问题。最近五年以来,共发表CSSCI和SSCI等文章共十余篇。其中,中文论文发表在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《中国工业经济》、《会计研究》等国内权威期刊;英文论文发表在International Review of Finance and Economics (SSCI)、Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI)、China Journal of Accounting Studies、China Journal of Accounting Research等期刊杂志。主持和参与国家自科基金面上项目、江苏省社科基金、江苏省高校哲社重大重点项目、中央高校科研项目等多项国家级和省部级科研课题。参加美国会计学年会(AAA)、国际金融与银行年会(IFABS-Oxford)、国际信息系统年会(ICICS)、亚太信息系统年会(PACIS)等学术会议。先后获得第七届高等学校科研究优秀成果二等奖(教育部)、江苏省第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖(江苏省人民政府)。相关研究成果被《二十一世纪商业评论》、中国社会科学网等媒体杂志长篇报道,引发社会大众广泛关注。