讲座一:Climate governance and carbon-intensive industry: a political economic view?
讲座二:The Water-Energy Nexus: A Policy Perspective
讲座一:Climate governance and carbon-intensive industry: a political economic view?
主讲人:张晓玲 香港城市大学公共政策系副教授 博士生导师
主持:杜慧滨 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 教授 博士生导师
张晓玲,博士,香港城市大学公共政策系副教授,博士生导师,Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI, IF2015: 4.959)期刊的Subject Editor。主要研究领域:能源/资源经济管理、可持续城镇化、区域可持续发展及转型、企业环境管理及策略转型,已发表SCI/SSCI学术论文百余篇。
This seminar investigates whether a theoretical framework offer possibilities to restructure to a sustainable, environmental-friendly socio-economic system, which can further contribute to the climate governance at the industry level. The framework is combined with pro-growth machine, carbon lock-in theory and Institutional Industry Complex (IIC) thesis, which were therefore applied to explain the pro-growth coalition of carbon-intensive industry in China. Consensus building of the research framework is based upon a case study of the Petro-Chemical state owned enterprises in China. Drawing upon the in-depth interviews with the stakeholders in the IIC system, the research discovered the pro-growth coalition of Petro-Chemical industry in China. This paper finally concludes by constructing a pro-growth coalition that could serve as a program to unlock the path-dependence of petrochemical industry and foster the anti-coalition mechanism, which can act as proactive approaches for climate governance.
讲座二:The Water-Energy Nexus: A Policy Perspective
主讲人:Erika Weinthal
主持:杜慧滨 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 教授 博士生导师
Prof. Erika Weinthal received his Ph.D from ColumbiaUniversity. He is the Lee Hill Snowdon Professor of Environmental Policy and the Associate Dean for International Programs at the Nicholas School of the Environment atDuke University. Her current research areas includeglobalenvironmental politics and governance, environmental conflict and peacebuilding, the political economy of the resource curse, the water-energy nexus and climatechange adaptation. Her research work has been published or accepted for publication in such academic journals as Environment, Science & Technology,Global EnvironmentalChange, International Environmental Agreements and etc.