


An integrated system dynamics model for the Swedish electricity energy system


题目:An integrated system dynamics model for the Swedish electricity energy system

主讲人:Ou Tang




唐讴教授在inventory modelling, manufacturing planning and control systems, closed loop supply chain management, supply chain risk management,等领域发表了超过100篇国际论文。现任International Journal of Production Economics国际期刊副主编。International Society of Inventory Research(2014-2016)主席。


This study applies a system dynamics approach and presents a model to describe the interaction of important factors in the electricity market. It attempts to integrate both strategic decisions (such as capacity expansion/decommission) and operational features (such as randomness and seasonal factors) in electricity production. The results of this study indicate that the energy policy should not be applied and investigated in an isolated manner, and that there is a need of incorporating the incentive policy of new renewables with other energy policies such as nuclear decommission. Additionally, this study indicates an upcoming increase in electricity price, as well as increasing price volatility after the capacity mix has been changed and dominated by hydro, biomass and wind. This study provides some guidelines for policy makers and managers to make better-informed decisions for a healthy development of their businesses as well as of the entire electricity sector.