


学术讲座预告:A Study of Enterprise Software Licensing Models



地点:25楼A区三层Class B

题目:A Study of Enterprise Software Licensing Models



We study an enterprise software vendor’s decision on three prominent licensing models On-Premises, Software as a Service (SaaS) and hybrid. Our findings indicate that both the customers’ estimation of the future software quality improvement and network effects play a critical role in the software vendor’s choice of optimal licensing models. If the network effects are weak, the enterprise software vendor should choose the On-Premises model when customers have a low estimation of the software quality improvement in the upgrade version. The hybrid model should be implemented if this estimation is in the mid range, while SaaS model generates the highest profit when customers believe that the upgrade version will have a significant improvement in software quality. As the network effects become stronger, the On-Premises model will be dominated by the other two licensing models and is never optimal. In the event of a high upgrade cost and strong network effects, SaaS becomes the best licensing model due to the multi-tenancy nature of the SaaS model.


李胜利,西安交通大学新葡京娱乐场 副教授,美国佛罗里达大学沃灵顿商学院信息系统与运营管理系博士毕业。主要研究领域包括电子商务,信息系统经济学,云计算,社交网络分析等等。曾经在Production and Operations Management,Decision Support Systems等期刊上发表论文。