


Risk management in construction projects


题目: Risk management in construction projects

主讲人:Professor Patrick X.W. Zou


地点:25楼A区 三层A教室


Dr Patrick X.W. Zou is Professor and Leader of Construction Engineering and Management Program at Swinburne University of Technology. Prior to this appointment, Dr Zou was Professor and Chair of Building and Construction Management Program at University of Canberra (2011-2014) and Associate Professor and Director of Construction Management and Property Program at The University of New South Wales (2000 – 2011), where he had successfully held a number of leadership roles including Director of HDR Students and Director of Construction Project Management Master Program.

With a PhD in Civil Engineering from The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Professor Zou’s research, teaching and consultancy covers broad field of construction engineering and management, with specific focuses on risk management, safety management and sustainable building and construction systems. Professor Zou has successfully initiated, undertakenand completed numerous research and consulting projects funded by government departments and industry leading organisations.

Professor Zou has published 4 books, 4 book chapters, 4 government reports and over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers, with over 1700 citations. He has won 11 major awards, nationally and internationally. Professor Zou has provided over 50 invited guest lectures and conference keynote speeches.

Professor Zou has also undertaken research on scholarship of learning and teaching (SoLT) which led to his winning of the UNSW Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2007.

Professor Zou has supervised many PhD, Master and Honours students to on-time completion.

Professor Zou has held visiting academic appointments in several universities in the UK, US, and China and developed wide research collaboration networks. He serves as members of several international journal editorial boards and reviewer panels.

For more info, visit his webpage:
