


第80期 相约北洋—下午茶沙龙 邀请函


本期沙龙我们将邀请空客(天津)飞机交付中心的总经理,Christoph SCHREMPP博士做客沙龙,与大家谈谈空客,这个欧洲航空公司的联合企业,是如何将其产品交付给客户并提高顾客满意度的,欢迎感兴趣的朋友来参加!

【沙龙主题】How we deliver the Aircraft to the Customers in China

【演讲嘉宾】Dr. Christoph SCHREMPP



Dr. Christoph SCHREMPP has been appointed to the General Manager of Airbus (Tianjin) Delivery Centre since August 2013. He is responsible for 10 teams with overall 74 employees and approx. 15,5M? budget. He is committed with his team to deliver on time, on quality on cost single aisle aircrafts (A319 & A320) to customers from China mainland and from 2016 onwards as well to other Asian customers. He improves the efficiency of delivery centre by implementing LEAN.

Dr. Christoph SCHREMPP joined the Airbus in Germany in 2006 as the Manager Long Range Program Quality Cabin & Cargo, Center of Excellence Cabin and Cargo Customization. In the year of 2009, he was promoted to the Head of Cabin & Cargo Quality and the Head of Quality Engineering Cabin & Cargo in 2013.

In addition, Dr. Christoph SCHREMPP was heading from 2010 to 2013 the German standardisation board for cabin (DIN/NL Fachbereich Kabine) and since April 2014 he is the Chairman elected of the European Chamber of Commerce in China Chapter Tianjin.


1:30-2:00 PM 签到

2:00-2:10 PM 开场致辞

2:10-4:00 PM 主题演讲

4:00-4:30 PM Q&A

【主办单位】新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 专业学位学院

【媒体支持】天津滨海广播878俱乐部 天津日报新闻117客户端

【报名方式】请填写“姓名+单位+职务+电话”回复至[email protected]