




时 间:2016年5月24日(周二)10:30-11:30

地 点:天津大学25楼A座3层A教室

题 目:谷歌内部研发项目与绩效管理—-如何在国际领先的互联网公司开拓职业生涯

报告人:崔航(Staff Software Engineer and Engineering Manager, Google)

Hang is a Staff Software Engineer and Engineering Manager in Payments team at Google. He has been with Google for over 7 years. He is now managing 27 software engineers in 4 teams, with areas spanning on automatic data consistency validation, compliance engineering, identity verification and payments tools infrastructure. Before that, he was an engineer and engineering manager on search/frontpage quality for Google News, and was an engineer in search quality team working on web search prior to that.

Hang received his B.S. and M.S. in Management Information Systems from Tianjin University and Ph.D. in Computer Science from National University of Singapore. His research areas included question answering, information retrieval and natural language processing.