


What They Don’t Tell You in Graduate School about Academic Careers


题目:What They Don’t Tell You in Graduate School about Academic Careers

时间: 4月11日上午9:30-11:30

地点: 25楼A区3层A教室

主讲人:Prof. Nicholas G. Hall,俄亥俄州立大学商学院


Nicholas G. Hall is a Professor in the Department of Management Sciences at the Fisher College of Business. His research interests are in project management, scheduling, supply chain incentives and pricing, and applications of operations research. He has published over 80 articles in the journals Operations Research, Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Games and Economic Behavior, Interfaces, and several other journals. He has served for a total of over 40 years on the editorial boards of Operations Research and Management Science.


Abstract: The speaker will share his own perspectives, along with those of his friends and colleagues, about the choices and challenges of academic careers. Issues to be discussed include: characteristics for academic success, choosing an academic career, choosing a research area, choosing an advisor, optimizing your academic job search, the publication process, research funding, building a research group, faculty politics, career salary profiles, financial independence, typical workloads, allocation of your time at various career stages, teaching tips, book writing, enhancing your professional visibility, professional service, conferences, consulting, some cautions, and the academic midlife crisis. The talk is informal, and audience participation is strongly encouraged. The talk is intended primarily for Ph.D. students who are considering an academic career. However, faculty are welcome to attend and share their experiences.

Intended Audience: Ph.D. and Masters students of all management and engineering fields; early career faculty.