


Design Principles for Digitally-Deprived Communities


题目:Design Principles for Digitally-Deprived Communities






邓一萌博士,新加坡国立大学信息系统系博士毕业,目前为新加坡国立大学信息系统系助理讲师,也是新加坡国立大学Center of Social Media Innovation for Communities 的研究员。邓一萌博士主要从事数字创新中的价值共创、边缘化社区(marginalized communities)的信息系统设计和知识管理等领域的定性研究。


The enduring digital divide between communities within and across countries highlights the need for more effective designs of IT artifacts that directly pertain to the context of use for digitally-deprived communities. To advance the existing body of knowledge that describes and prescribes design activities in conditions of digital deprivation, this study aims to develop a set of design principles that can guide the development of design practices and theories in communities that have limited exposure to digital technologies. Using a design science approach and a design theory framework, this study is based on the development of two mobile prototypes and their evaluation through interactions with 20 farming sites in rural and suburban China. In this study we delineate the design context of the intended users based on four dimensions: physical, digital, capability and social conditions. We then draw from the design experience five principles that can guide the design of technological artifacts in communities that reflect high levels of digital deprivation across the four dimensions, namely progressive digitalization, symbolic flexibility, knowledge alliance, local-norm adaptation, and human involvement. The findings have direct implications for practitioners who are involved in digital innovation for agricultural communities, particularly in countries that are socio-economically similar to China. The study concludes with a more generalizable, yet contextualized, IS design theory for empowering digitally-deprived communities throughout the design process.