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“相约北洋--下午茶沙龙”第55期 | |
发布时间:2016-03-14 来源: | |
讲座题目:Economic Change in China-What are the Megatrends and Challenges for Businesses in China? 主讲人:Weert Jacobsen-Kramer 讲座时间:2016年3月17日14:00-17:00(13:30-14:00签到) 讲座地点:25教学楼A座三层A教室 讲座内容: 1、How 4 topics will dramatically impact Business in China: Demographics, Urbanization, New Middle Class, Internet of Everything 2、The Megatrends that will significantly change how Chinese Businesses run only a few years from now. 3、The China-German Business relationships as an example how China impacts the rest of the world. 【主办单位】新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 专业学位学院 【报名方式】请填写“姓名+单位+职务+电话”回复至[email protected] | |
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