日期 | 时间 | 地点 | 报告人 | 报告题目 |
2015.11.19 | 10:30- 12:00 | 25楼 A区 三层 B教室 | 方侃 | Managing rail transportation for hazardous materials |
2015.11.26 | 马光锐 | Dynamic Service Management of One-Way Car Sharing Systems | ||
2015.12.03 | 谭荣辉 | Urban Growth Modeling Based on a Game between Farmers and Governments: Case Study of Urban Fringe in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China | ||
2015.12.10 | 吴懿 | Understanding User Adaptation toward a New IT System in Organizations: A Social Network Perspective | ||
2015.12.17 | 张增凯 | The environmental effects of global production fragmentation | ||
2015.12.24 | 刘鹏 | Effect of Digitalization on Operators in Complex Systems | ||
2015.12.31 | 冯绪 | Online sentiment contagion in China | ||
2016.01.07 | 夏一 | Hierarchical Problems and Solutions in Product Portfolio Design |
报告人 方 侃
报告人简介:普渡大学博士毕业,2015年5月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,工业工程系讲师,主要致力于Scheduling方面的研究。至今有数篇论文在OR领域期刊发表,包括Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Annals of Operations Research等。
报告题目:Managing rail transportation for hazardous materials
报告人 马光锐
报告人简介:香港科技大学博士毕业,2015年7月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,物流工程系讲师,主要研究方向包括可持续性运管理,供应链物流系统分析与设计,清洁能源技术;随机优化方法应用。
报告题目:Dynamic Service Management of One-Way Car Sharing Systems
主要内容:Emerging free-flowing or flexible car sharing model is becoming a popular solution to balance individual mobility needs and sustainability. Users can pick up available vehicles and return them at any stations whenever possible. However, the unbalanced usage behavior makes it difficult to match driving demand and vehicle availability. That is, vehicle``stock-outs'' happen frequently at some stations, while at the same time surplus vehicles are unutilized at others. In this paper, we propose to use operational strategies that can influence users driving behavior and then mitigate the negative impact due to unbalanced flows, from a revenue management’s perspective. In particular, two strategies are analyzed and compared in this paper, i.e. dynamic service blocking and dynamic surcharge fees. To address the curse of dimensionality, we take approximate dynamic programming approach to generate state-dependent operational policies.
报告人 谭荣辉
报告人简介:武汉大学博士毕业,2015年9月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,公共管理研究所讲师,主要致力于城市空间分析中的城市蔓延研究。至今有多篇论文在城市空间分析领域期刊发表,包括Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Habitat International等。
报告题目:Urban Growth Modeling Based on a Game between Farmers and Governments: Case Study of Urban Fringe in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China
报告人 吴 懿
报告人简介:新加坡国立大学博士毕业,2015年9月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,信息管理与管理科学系讲师,研究兴趣包括企业员工IT使用、人机交互和社会媒体。研究成果主要发表在IS顶级国际会议(比如:ICIS, AMCIS, PACIS)。
报告题目:Understanding User Adaptation toward a New IT System in Organizations: A Social Network Perspective
主要内容:With the increasing complexity of Enterprise Information Systems, how to effectively adapt to changes induced by the implementation of a new system is still a critical and pervasive challenge for employees in organizations. Drawing on theories of advice networks, coping and models of IT system use, this study investigates the impacts of advice-seeking network and advice-giving network on employees’ IT system use through the underlying mechanisms of user adaptation. To test our research model, a two-phase social network study was conducted in the research setting of a new Electronic Media Record System in a hospital.
报告人 张增凯
报告人简介:西安交通大学与伊利诺伊大学联合培养博士,2015年8月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,公共管理研究所讲师,主要研究领域:能源经济学、区域经济学、宏观政策分析与评价。
报告题目:The environmental effects of global production fragmentation
报告人 刘 鹏
报告人简介:清华大学博士毕业,2015年11月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,工业工程系讲师,主要致力于复杂工业系统的人因工程与人员可靠性研究。论文发表在Risk Analysis、Reliability Engineering and System Safety、International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics和航空学报等期刊上。
报告题目:Effect of Digitalization on Operators in Complex Systems
报告人 冯 绪
报告人简介:天津大学博士毕业,2013年7月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,金融系讲师,主要致力于计算实验金融、金融大数据、复杂网络等领域研究。至今有多篇论文在相关研究领域的SCI期刊上发表。
报告题目:Online sentiment contagion in China
报告人 夏 一
报告人简介:天津大学博士毕业,2013年4月入职新葡京娱乐场 ,信息管理与管理科学系讲师,主要致力于产品设计优化及优化理论的研究。
报告题目:产品组合设计中的层次问题及解法 (Hierarchical Problems and Solutions in Product Portfolio Design)