






地点:25教学楼A座3层Class B。

主讲人:法国国家科学研究院政治研究中心教授Serge Galam


A model for the dynamics of opinion forming in democratic public debate is presented. Using concepts and techniques from the physics of disorder the dynamics of social refusal spreading is studied within a perfect world, where the minority holds neither better arguments nor lobbying backing. The one-person-one-vote rule, together with local majority rules, are used to determine the outcome of local group discussions. In case of a local tie, the group decides on preserving the Status Quo.The geometry of social life shaped among others by offices, houses, bars and restaurants, is shown to determine the distribution size of the discussion groups. It is found to yield very asymmetric unstable thresholds for total spreading at the benefit of the refusal opinion. The associated dynamics is rather quick and completed within few weeks. This democratic paradox of public debate driven majority opinion reversal is illustrated with some social issues. The model may apply to rumor and fear propagation.