


学术报告| Promoting Clean Technology Products:To Subsidize Consumers or Manufacturer?


时间:2015年1月8日 下午14:30-16:30


题目:Promoting Clean Technology Products:To Subsidize Consumers or Manufacturer?



We study the dynamic adoption process of Clean Technology Products (e.g., electric vehicles andsolar photovoltaic panels), which is often hampered by the chicken-and-egg dilemma: at the earlystage of commercialization, firms are reluctant to invest in support infrastructure before sufficientconsumers adopt the products; on the other hand, consumers hesitate to adopt the products without such infrastructure. We study two lines of widely-discussed policy instruments, governmentsubsidies and mandated information disclosure, to tackle this dilemma. Whereas our analysis confirms that these instruments are conducive to adoption in certain parameter ranges, it also revealstwo interesting results. First, both subsidizing consumers and subsidizing the firm may negativelyaffect adoptions, in that the former may interfere with firm’s investment incentives and lead toreduced overall adoption levels, and the latter may cause early adopters to delay their purchase.Second, information asymmetry about firms’ infrastructure investment cost may possibly inducegreater early and overall adoptions and therefore mandated information disclosure can lead todecreased overall adoptions under certain conditions. We obtain guidelines for choosing the propersubsidy subjects (firm or consumers) and information intervention policy to successfully promotethe CTP adoption.


Guangrui MA earned his Ph.D. at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), majoring in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, and minoring in Energy Technology. Prior to that,he received his bachelor degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University. MA is currently working at HKUST as a postdoctoral fellow. His research interests are in sustainable operations management, business model analysis, clean technology promotion& management, and related government policy design.