


Bob Reed教授讲座--Overseas Post-graduate Study in Economics and Finance


题目:Overseas Post-graduate Study in Economics and Finance

主讲人:新西兰坎特伯雷大学Bob Reed教授

时间: 4月23日上午9:40-11:40

地点: 6教学楼110教室

Abstract:This talk will provide information for students interested in doing post-graduate study (Masters and Ph.D) at overseas institutions. The first half of the talk will provide general information about overseas, post-graduate study. The second half of the talk will provide information about a one-year Masters program in Applied Finance and Economics (MAFE) at the University of Canterbury. The talk will include useful tips for getting accepted to post-graduate programs at US universities.

Professor Reed is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. He joined the faculty of the University of Canterbury in 2006. Prior to that, he taught in the U.S. at Texas A&M University (1984-1992) and at the University of Oklahoma (1992-2006). He received his Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University in 1985 under the supervision of Dale T. Mortensen (2010 Nobel Prize winner in Economics). Professor Reed's current main areas of research are the relationship between taxes and economic growth, and applied econometrics

主要研究方向: Policy analysis, applied econometrics, labor economics, public choice, mainly in the study of taxation and economic growth issues. His research work has appeared in numerous professional journals, including the Journal of Political Economy, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, the Journal of Urban Economics, and many other SSCI journals, as well as the Economic Research Journal in China.