


讲座预告 | 刘哲:三方市场——外卖平台的定价、人员编制和路径问题




讲座内容:近些年以DoorDash、Uber Eats和美团点评为代表的送餐平台通过有效匹配分散在地理上分散的餐馆、顾客和外卖员而快速发展。我们研究在三方自主决定参与情况下送餐平台的联合定价、人员编制和路径优化问题。通过采用状态依赖的排队论模型——服务速率取决于空间摩擦导致的三方不平衡——我们研究了大型系统在繁忙交通(Heavy Traffic)下的均衡表现,通过渐进分析来展现平台如何平衡配送使用率和服务质量。我们发现送餐平台的价值主要体现在三方面:(1)通过吸引提高下单量和更快的配送增加市场产量;(2)节省餐馆的物流成本并提高外卖员的使用率;(3)通过路径优化减少跨区配送占用的外卖员数量,从而减少顾客等待时间和外卖员的空闲时间。

Motivated by the proliferation of food delivery platforms, such as DoorDash, Uber Eats and Meituan-Dianping, that match restaurants, customers and delivery drivers over a geographically dispersed network, we study the platform’s joint pricing, staffing and routing problem under endogenous participation of all three sides. Using a state-dependent queueing model where the service rate depends on the imbalance of the three sides due to spatial frictions, we study the equilibrium behavior of a large system in heavy traffic and show through asymptotic analysis how the platform controls balance capacity utilization and service quality. We show the platform’s value is threefold: (i) increased market output as the platform boosts demand for restaurants and offers faster delivery; (ii) delivery resource pooling that saves the restaurants’ logistic costs and increases deliverer utilization; (iii) efficient network routing that reduces cross-location pickups, hence customer waiting and deliverer idleness.






Zhe Liu is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at Imperial College London. His research lies in revenue management, dynamic pricing and supply chain management. He is the recipient of the Finalist in George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2nd Place in POMS Student Paper Competition, and 2nd Place in POMS-HK Best Student Paper Competition. Zhe obtained his PhD in Operations Management from Columbia University and B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Tsinghua University.