


讲座预告|Sri Talluri:制造和结构效率对供应商绩效的影响——一项多维调查




The Impact of Manufacturing and Structural Efficiencies on Supplier Performance: A Multidimensional Investigation


Sri Talluri


2023年3月21日 20:00-21:00



918 4501 7996


01 主讲人介绍

Sri Talluri目前是密歇根州立大学Hoagland Metzler Endowd教授和供应链管理教授。他的研究兴趣是供应风险、买方与供应商关系、供应链可持续性和绩效评估。他的方法论专长包括确定性和随机建模、博弈论、实证方法和数据包络分析。

他在IIE Transactions、Journal of Operations Management、Decision Sciences、Production and Operations Management Journal、International Journal of Production Research、European Journal of Operational Research、IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management、Journal of Business Logistics等期刊上发表了100多篇文章。他的研究获得了13000多个引用,H指数为53。Sri教授目前担任Decision Sciences Journal的联合主编。他是决策科学学会的会士,也是决策科学研究院和生产与运营管理学会的成员。

Sri Talluri is currently the Hoagland Metzler Endowed Professor and a Professor of supply chain management at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA. His research interests are in the areas of supply risk, buyer–supplier relationships, sustainability in supply chains, and performance evaluation. His methodological expertise includes deterministic and stochastic modeling, game theory, empirical methods, and data envelopment analysis.

He has authored or coauthored more than 100 articles in journals, such as IIE Transactions, Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management Journal, International Journal of Production Research, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Business Logistics, and others. His research has garnered more than 13,000 citations with an H-index of 53. Sri currently serves as the Co-Editor in Chief of the Decision Sciences Journal. He is a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute, and a member of the Decision Sciences Institute and the Production and Operations Management Society.

02 讲座内容



Focal firms often depend heavily on their first-tier suppliers to effectively meet downstream customer demand. This dependence can cause the performance of focal firms to be impacted by their first-tier suppliers. Thus, it is important to understand what specific aspects of first-tier suppliers drive their performance. This paper considers two multifactor efficiency measures (i.e., manufacturing efficiency and structural efficiency) associated with first-tier suppliers in explaining their firm performance. Manufacturing efficiency reflects a supplier’s internal resource utilization, and structural efficiency is based on a supplier’s positional attributes within the supply network. Both efficiency measures are operationalized via data envelopment analysis (DEA).

We investigate the direct effects of manufacturing and structural efficiencies on the performance of first-tier suppliers as well as the moderating role of structural efficiency in the relationship between manufacturing efficiency and supplier performance. In terms of improving firm performance, our work underscores the importance of a supplier’s structural position in a network and the efficacy with which it can leverage its relationships with other entities in the network. We test these relationships using a panel dataset of 2,484 observations obtained from 513 first-tier suppliers in the global automotive supply network over seven years from 2014 to 2020 in terms of their firm profitability, cost efficiency, and inventory turnover. We discuss the managerial implications of how a focal company should identify and manage its key first-tier suppliers in the complex supply network.