工业工程系 副教授
电子邮箱:kfang at grandlisboacn.com
研究方向:调度优化,车辆路径优化, 精益智能制造,风险管理,机器学习方法
方侃,浙江台州人,新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 工业工程系副教授,硕士生导师,于2007年和2009年分别获得浙江大学数学系学士和硕士学位,2013年获得美国普渡大学工业工程博士学位,哥伦比亚大学商学院访问学者(2016.12-2017.12)。入选天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次、天津大学“北洋学者-青年骨干教师”计划。主要研究方向为调度优化、车辆路径优化、智能制造、风险管理、以及机器学习方法在管理优化中的应用,主要研究方法包括整数规划、精确算法、(元)启发式算法、以及近似算法等数学优化方法。讲授课程包括运筹学、数学优化方法、智能算法以及管理数学基础等。在INFORMS Journal on Computing, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, International Journal of Production Research,Computers & Operations Research, International Journal of Production Economics,Journal of Business Research, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 《管理科学学报》等国内外权威期刊发表论文30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,并参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目和青年项目多项。欢迎具备数学、计算机、信管、工业工程、物流或统计等相关学科背景的学生推免或者报考本人的硕士研究生。
[1] D. Huang, Z. Mao*, K. Fang*, E. Fu, M.L. Pinedo. An Improved Combinatorial Benders Decomposition Algorithm for the Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Line Balancing Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, available online, 2024. (UTD24)
[2] Y. Qiu, Y. Chen, Kan Fang*, L. Yu*, K. Fang*. Fraud Detection by Integrating Multisource Heterogeneous Presence-only Data. INFORMS Journal on Computing, available online, 2024. (UTD24)
[3] K. Fang, E. Fu*, D. Huang*, G.Y. Ke, M. Verma. A value-at-risk based approach to the routing problem of multi-hazmat railcars. European Journal of Operational Research 320(1): 132-145, 2025. (ABS4)
[4] Z. Mao, J. Zhang, Y. Sun, K. Fang, D. Huang*. Balancing parallel assembly lines with human-robot collaboration: problem definition, mathematical model and tabu search approach. International Journal of Production Research, available online, 2024. (ABS3)
[5] Z. Mao, E. Fu, D. Huang, K. Fang*, L. Chen. Combinatorial Benders decomposition for single machine scheduling in additive manufacturing with two-dimensional packing constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 317(3):890-905, 2024. (ABS4)
[6] Z. Mao, Y. Sun, K. Fang, D. Huang*, J. Zhang. Balancing and scheduling of assembly line with multi-type collaborative robots. International Journal of Production Economics 271: 109207, 2024. (ABS3)
[7] Z. Mao, Y. Sun, K. Fang, D. Huang*, J. Zhang. Model and metaheuristic for human–robot collaboration assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Computers & Operations Research 165: 106605, 2024. (ABS3)
[8] D. Wang, K. Fang*, W. Luo, W. Ouyang. Approximation algorithms for mixed batch scheduling on parallel machines. Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(12): 2365-2374, 2024. (ABS3)
[9] K. Fang, W. Luo*, M.L. Pinedo, M. Jin, L. Lu. Rescheduling for new orders on a single machine with rejection. Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(2): 346-360, 2024. (ABS3)
[10] Z. Mao, J. Zhang, K. Fang, D. Huang*, Y. Sun. Balancing U-type assembly lines with human-robot collaboration. Computers & Operations Research 159: 106359, 2023. (ABS3)
[11] S. Chen, Y. Qiu*, J. Li, K. Fang, Kuangnan Fang*; Precision marketing for financial industry using a PU-learning recommendation method. Journal of Business Research 160: 113771, 2023. (ABS3)
[12] D. Huang, Z. Mao, K. Fang*, L. Chen. Solving the shortest path interdiction problem via reinforcement learning. International Journal of Production Research 61(1): 31-48, 2023. (ABS3)
[13] 方侃,安义丹,朱宁,黄典*。考虑无人机站的车辆路径规划问题。管理科学学报,2023,已在线发表。(FMS T1)
[14] D. Huang, Z. Mao, K. Fang*, B. Yuan. Combinatorial Benders decomposition for mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research 60(8): 2598-2624, 2022. (ABS3)
[15] K. Fang, S. Wang*, M.L. Pinedo, L. Chen, F. Chu. A combinatorial Benders decomposition algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with working-time restrictions. European Journal of Operational Research 291(1): 128-146, 2021. (ABS4)
[16] K. Fang*, W. Luo, A. Che. Speed scaling in two-machine lot-streaming flow shops with consistent sublots. Journal of the Operational Research Society 72(11): 2429-2441, 2021. (ABS3)
[17] Z. Mao, D. Huang, K. Fang*, C. Wang, D. Lu. Milk-run routing problem with progress-lane in the collection of automobile parts. Annals of Operations Research 291: 657–684, 2020. (ABS3)
[18] Q. Yu, K. Fang*, N. Zhu*, S. Ma. A matheuristic approach to the orienteering problem with service time dependent profits. European Journal of Operational Research 273(2): 488-503, 2019. (ABS4)
[19] S. Wang, Z. Zhu, K. Fang, F. Chu, C. Chu*. Scheduling on a two-machine permutation flow shop under time-of-use electricity tariffs. International Journal of Production Research 56(9): 3173-3187, 2018. (ABS3)
[20] K. Fang, G.Y. Ke*, M. Verma. A routing and scheduling approach to rail transportation of hazardous materials with demand due dates. European Journal of Operational Research 261(1): 154-168, 2017. (ABS4)
[21] K. Fang, N.A. Uhan*, F. Zhao, J.W. Sutherland. Scheduling on a single machine under time-of-use tariffs. Annals of Operations Research 238(1): 199-227, 2016. (ABS3)
[22] K. Fang, N.A. Uhan*, F. Zhao, J.W. Sutherland. Flow shop scheduling with peak power consumption constraints. Annals of Operations Research 206(1): 115-145, 2013. (ABS3)
[1] 结合增材制造加工和配送特性的调度优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025.1-2028.12,主持,在研
[2] 可持续制造下考虑能源目标的流水作业排序理论与方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2018.1-2020.12,主持,结题
[1] 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家
[2] 天津市工业工程学会理事
[3] 中国运筹学会终身会员
[4] 美国运筹学和管理科学研究协会(INFORMS)会员
[5] 国际工业与系统工程师学会(IISE)会员
[6] 期刊匿名审稿专家:Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Scheduling, Omega, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Computers & Operations Research, Computational Optimization and Applications, International Journal of Production Research, OR Spectrum, Journal of Heuristics, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Operational Research, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 中国运筹学会会刊等