时间 | 学校 | 专业 | 学位 |
2008-2012 | 南洋理工大学 | 系统工程与管理 | 博士 |
2006-2008 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 动力机械及工程 | 硕士 |
2002-2006 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 热能与动力工程 | 本科 |
时间 | 单位 | 担任职务 |
2013.11-今 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 | 讲师 |
2013.4-2013.9 | 罗格斯大学 | 研究员 |
2010.1-2012.6 | 南洋理工大学机械宇航学院 | 助教 |
1.Qu, L*.; Wu, Z.; Rahim, A.; Khoo, M.B.C. “A balanced two-sided CUSUM chart for monitoring time between events”, European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 2015,9(1):1-26。
2.Qu, L.; Wu, Z.; Liu, T.I.; Shu, L.J.; and Khoo, M.B.C. “A new control chart for monitoring the event frequency and magnitude”, European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 2014,8(6):789-813。
3.Qu, L*.; Wu, Z.; Khoo, M.B.C.; Rahim, A. “Time-between-event control charts for sampling inspections”, Technometrics. 2014,56(3):336-346。
4.Qu, L.; Wu, Z.; Khoo, M.B.C.; and Castagliola, P. “A CUSUM scheme for events monitoring”, International Journal of Production Economics, 2013,145(1):268-280。
5.Qu, L*.; Wu, Z.; and Liu, T.I. (2011). “A control scheme integrating the T chart and TCUSUM chart”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2011,27(4):529-539.
6.Shanshan Lv, Zhanwen Niu, Liang Qu, Shuguang He, Zhen He, Reliability Modeling of Accelerated Life Tests with Both Random Effects and Nonconstant Shape Parameters, Quality Engineering, Accepted.
7.H.W. You, Michael B.C. Khoo, P. Castagliola & Liang Qu, Optimal exponentially weighted moving average charts with estimated parameters based on median run length and expected median run length, International Journal of Production Research, Online.
1.Qu, L. (2012). A single CUSUM chart for monitoring time interval and magnitude of critical events. 18th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, U.S.A, July, pp. 163 – 167.
2.Qu, L.; Haridy, S.; Wu, Z. and Bhuiyan, N. (2012). Monitoring multiattribute processes using synthetic-type control charts. IIE Asian Conference 2012, Singapore, June, pp. 192-199.
3.Qu, L. (2010). An integrated T and TCUSUM scheme. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2010), Macau, December, pp. 1411 - 1415.
4.Wang, Guodong; Niu, Zhanwen; Qu, Liang; He, Zhen; Li, Zhaojun. Bootstrapping analysis of lifetime data with subsampling, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014 1630-1638
5.Wu, Z. and Qu, L. (2010). A single chart for monitoring frequency and magnitude of events. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2010), Macau, December, pp. 1416 - 1420.
2. 国家基金重点\重大项目,71532008,产品质量保证策略与质保服务运作研究,2016/01-2020/12,240万元,在研,参加
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