市场营销系 副教授
电子邮箱:[email protected]
时间 | 单位 | 学位/职务 |
2001.7-今 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 | 副教授 |
1999-2002 | 天津大学管理科学与工程 | 博士 |
[1] 王秀宏,王正欧,乔清理,用具有混沌特性的神经网络界任务分配问题,系统工程学报,2001,16(2),146-150
[2] 王秀宏,王正欧,乔清理,Job-shop 调度问题的瞬态混沌神经网络解法,系统工程,2001,19(3),43-48
[3] 王秀宏,王正欧,乔清理,任务分配问题的瞬态混沌神经网络解法,天津大学学报,2001,34(5),596-600
[4] 王秀宏,王正欧,乔清理,四色和K色图着色问题的瞬态混沌神经网络解法,系统工程理论与实践,2002,22(5)92-96
[5] Wang Xiuhong, Wang Zhengou, Application of analog neural network with chaotic oscillators to assignment problems, Proceedings of the IFCA Workshop on Compution in Economic, Financial and Engineering-Economic Systems, Oct.22-24,2001, Tianjin, P.R.C. 354-357.
[6] 王秀宏,乔清理,王正欧,基于混沌神经网络的最短路问题的优化研究,系统工程理论方法应用,2001,4,326-331
[7] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli, Wang Zhenou, Chaotic neural network techniques for “0-1” programming problems, System Engineering and Electrics, 2003, 14(4)99-105.
[8] 王秀宏,赵胜敏,利用蚂蚁算法求解图的着色问题,内蒙古农业大学学报,2005, 26(3),79-82
[9] 王秀宏,孙红梅,基于SWOT分析和4R营销理论的区域品牌研究,西北农林科技大学学报,2007, (76), 113-116
[10] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli, Wang Zhenou, Solving optimization problems based on chaotic neural network with hysteretic activation function. Lecture Note in Computer Science, 2005, 3496(1), 745-749 (SCI检索:BCN38,EI检索05399382301)
[11] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli, A Quickly Searching Algorithm for Optimization Problems Based on Hysteretic Transiently Chaotic Neural Network. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2007,4492: 72-78 (EI检索号:075210988734,ISTP检索号: BGJ86)
[1] Xiu-Hong Wang, Zheng-Ou Wang and Qing-Li Qiao, A fast algorithm for four-coloring map problem based on chaos neural network, 8th International Conference on Neural Information processing (ICONIP2001), Nov.14-18,2001, Shanghai, China, 1434-1438 (ISTP 收录)
[2] Xiu-Hong Wang, Qing-Li Qiao, and Zheng-Ou Wang, Optimizing large-scale problems based on chaotic neural network and self-organizing featue map, Proceding of 3th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, shanghai, 2004, 2004, 3376-3378(EI检索,ISTP检索)
[3] Wang Xiuhong, Wang Zhengou, A quickly searching algorithm for 0-1 optimization problems based on chaotic neural network. Proceding of 7th International Conference on signal processing, Beijing, 2004, 1518-1521(EI检索)
[4] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli, An Efficient Shortest Path Routing Algorithm Based on Improved Chaotic Neural Network. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference om Machine Learning and Cybernetics,vol.1,324-328(EI检索号:080311017113,ISTP检索号:BGZ09)
[5] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli A Transiently Chaotic Neural Network with Hysteretic Activation Function for the Shortest Path Problem, Proceedings of Fourth International conference on Neural Computation ,2008,3,559-563。(EI检索号:20085111800448,ISTP检索号:BJB51)
[6] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli Solving graph coloring problems based on a chaos neural network with non-monotonous activation function, Proceedings of Fifth International conference on Neural Computation , 2009, 1,414-417 (EI检索号:20101512839946)
[7] Wang Xiuhong, Qiao Qingli, Solving the shortest path routing problems by integrating a fast searching strategy into a hysteretic neural network with transient chaos. Proceedings of 6th International conference on Neural Computation ,2010, 2, 598-602. (EI检索号:20104613375730)
[8] Xiuhong Wang, Qingli Qiao, An efficient graph coloring algorithm by merging a rapid strategy into a transiently chaotic neural network with hysteretic output function. Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of Third International Conference, 2011,3, 354-361 (EI检索号:20114214438789)
[9] Xiuhong Wang, Qingli Qiao, A New Chaotic Neural Network Algorithm for “0-1” Optimization Problems Based Non-monotonous Activation Function, Proceedings of 4th Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence International Conference 2012(已收录)
[1] 人工神经网络研究中的两个前沿课题,国家自然科学基金项目
[2] 基于混沌神经网络的优化技术研究,国家自然科学基金
[3] 基于数据挖掘的神经网络模型及其融合技术研究,国家自然科学基金项目
[4] 非均匀区间与分布式符号数据的多元素分析方法,国家自然科学基金项目
[5] 滨海新区现代物流发展规划调研,天津市重点调研课题
[12] 邯郸钢铁集团投融资决策分析
[1] 《工业工程》期刊审稿专家