何曙光于2002年获天津大学管理科学与工程专业博士学位,主要讲授课程包括:运营管理(MBA)、基于Python的数据科学(硕士/博士研究生)、定价管理(本科)。主要研究领域包括:智能制造环境下的质量管理方法、大数据环境下的质保管理及质保数据分析、机器学习在质量工程中的应用、面相质量的设备运维等。承担多项国家纵向课题,其中包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目及青年基金。参与完成国家自然科学重点项目3项,其他项目10余项。获第11届天津青年科技奖,入选天津大学“北洋青年学者”计划。研究成果发表在系统工程学报、工业工程与管理、系统工程与电子技术、IISE Transactions, Journal of Quality Technology, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Quality and Reliability Engineering International等学术期刊。
目前是工业工程、管理科学学报、International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics、Reliability Engineering & System Safety等多个学术期刊审稿人。另外,注重把最新的企业生产管理和质量管理、质保管理等理念和方法应用于实践,为多家企业完成质量管理、质保数据分析方面的研究和管理咨询工作。
时间 | 教育/工作经历 |
2000.3-2002.9 | 天津大学管理与科学工程专业 博士 |
1997.7-2000.3 | 天津大学管理信息系统专业 硕士 |
1993.9-1997.7 | 西南交通大学管理信息系统专业 学士 |
2004.6-2012.6 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 副教授 |
2009.12-2010.6 | 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 访问学者 |
2012.6-至今 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 教授 |
2018.8-2019.7 | 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 访问学者 |
[1] 何曙光,戴安舒,张兆民. 质保数据分析与质保政策设计. 科学出版社. 2021.10
1. Zhen He, Mengyuan Han, Shuguang HE. Customised Product Design Optimisation Considering Module Synergy Effects and Expert Preferences. International Journal of Production Research. (Accepted)
2. Zhiqiong Wang, Renping Gong, Lisha Song, Shuguang He, Yuan Gao. A data-driven monitoring scheme for multivariate multimodal data. Computer in Industrial Engineering, DOI://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2024.110186
3. Wei Zhang, Zhen He, Shuguang He*, Zhanwen Niu, Lisha Song. Online monitoring of profiles via RVC model with an application to industrial busbar. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management. Accepted (2024.4)
4. Wenyu Zhang, Jie Gan, Shuguang He*, Ting Li, Zhen He. An integrated framework of preventive maintenance and task scheduling for repairable multi-unit systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Online available, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2024.110129
5. Yi Luo, Xiujie Zhao, Bin Liu, Shuguang He. Condition-based Maintenance Policy for Systems under Dynamic Environment. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Online available, DOI:10.1016/j.ress.2024.110072
6. Jinhong Li, Shuguang He*, Min Zhang. Optimal pricing and warranty strategies of a closed-loop supply chain under government subsidies. International Transactions in Operational Research. Online available, DOI: 10.1111/itor.13417.
7. Jianhai Yan, Zhisheng Ye, Shuguang He*, Zhen He. A feature disentanglement and unsupervised domain adaptation of remaining useful life prediction for sensor-equipped machines. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2024(242): 109736.
8. Wenyu Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Shuguang He*, Xing Zhao, Zhen He. Optimal condition-based maintenance policy for multi-component repairable systems with economic dependence in a finite-horizon. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2024, 241: 109612
9. Lisha Song, Shuguang He*, Zhiqiong Wang*, Zhen He. Dynamic monitoring of polynomial profiles with attribute responses and between-profile correlation. IISE Transactions. DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2023.2249050
10. Ting Li, Shuguang He, Xiujie Zhao, Bin Liu*. Warranty service contracts design for deteriorating products with maintenance overtime penalty. International Journal of Production Economics. 2023, 264: 108982
11. Le Wang, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. Quality differentiation and e-tailer's choice between reselling and agency selling. Managerial and Decision Economics. 2023, 44(6): 3518-3536
12. Jinhong Li, Shuguang He*, Jianjian Chen, Zhen He. Optimal extended warranty strategy for a two-sided platform under agency selling. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023, 178: 109129
13. Lu Zheng, Zhen He, Shuguagn He. ITMDID: an Improved Topic Model for Defect Information Derivation. Expert Systems with Application, 2023(223):119947
14. Jianhai Yan, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. Multitask learning of health state assessment and remaining useful life prediction for sensor-equipped machines. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023, 234:109141
15. Lu Zheng, Zhen He, Shuguang He. Detecting and prioritizing products defects using social media data and the two-phased QFD method. Computer & Industrial Engineering. 2023, 177: 109031
16. Ning Ding, Zhen He, Shuguang He*, Lisha Song. Real-time profile monitoring schemes considering covariate using Gaussian process via sensor data. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management. Online available. DOI: 10.1080/16843703.2023.2165284
17. Le Wang, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. Manufacturer Enroachment and Quality Investment Eecisions in a Two-period Supply Chain. International Transactions in Operations Research. Online available. DOI://doi.org/10.1111/itor.13254
18. Min Zhang, Keke Wei, Shuguang He*, Zhen He, Wei Yan. Performance-based Maintenance Contract for Mission-critical Equipment Considering Spare Parts Inventory Cost-sharing and Suppliers' Risk Attitudes. International Journal of Production Research. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2151661
19. Anshu Dai, Xin Wang, Yu Li, Ting Li, Shuguang He. Design of a performance-based warranty policy with replacement-repair strategy and cumulative cost threshold. International Journal of Production Economics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108700
20. Jianhai Yan, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. A Deep Learning Framework for Sensor-equipped Machine Health Indicator Construction and Remaining Useful Life Prediction. Computers & Industrial Engineering. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2022.108559.
21. Lisha Song, Shuguang He, Ting Li, Yanfen Shang*. Semiparametric Control Schemes for Dynamically Monitoring Profiles with Count Data and Arbitrary Design. International Journal of Production Research. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2030066
22. Keyuan Cai, Yiwen Zhang, Yaqi Lou, Shuguang He. Information Sharing in a Collectors-Led Closed-Loop Supply Chain. RAIRO-Operations Research. DOI: 10.1051/ro/2022096
23. Zhen He, Lu Zheng, Shuguang He. A Novel Approach for Product Competitive Analysis based on Online Reviews. Electronic Commerce Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10660-022-09534-y (online)
24. Shuguang He, Lisha Song, Ting Li*, Xiujie Zhao, Bin Liu. A Finite-time Maintenance Policy of Deteriorating Systems with Multiple Dependent Performance Characteristics. Journal of Management Science and Engineering. 2022, 7(3): 439-452
25. Zhaomin Zhang, Shuguang He, Zhen He, Dongfan Wang, Fangqi Dong. A Systematic Warranty-Reliability-Price Decision Model for Two-dimensional Warranted Products with Heterogeneous Usage Rates. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2022,163: 107820
26. Ting Li, Shuguang He, Xiujie Zhao*. Optimal warranty policy design for deteriorating products with random failure threshold. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2022, 218 (A): 108142
27. Lisha Song, Shuguang He, Yanfen Sang*. Empirical Likelihood Ratio Charts for Profiles with Attribute Data and Random Predictors in the Presence of Within-profile Correlation. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2022, 38 (1): 153-173
28. Lu Zheng, Zhen He, Shuguang He. An Integrated Probabilistic Graphic Model and FMEA Approach to Identify Product Defects from Social Media Data. Expert Systems with Applications. 2021(178):115030.
29. 何桢, 张静静, 何曙光. 基于支持向量机的无参时变过程控制方法研究. 系统工程学报. (录用)
30. Anshu Dai, Guanzhou Wei, Dongfan Wang, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. The Opportunity Study of PM Strategy for Second-hand Products Sold with a Two Dimensional Warranty. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2021, 214:107699.
31. Dongfan Wang, Zhen He, Shuguang He, Zhaomin Zhang*, Yiwen Zhang. Dynamic Pricing of Two-dimensional Extended Warranty Considering the Impacts of Product Price Fluctuations and Repair Learning. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2021, 210:107516.
32. 马小敏, 何曙光, 李婷. 考虑用户更换行为的质保成本预测. 工业工程. 2020 (录用)
33. 戴安舒,李婷,张书华,何桢,何曙光. 基于视情维修的质保政策设计研究. 运筹与管理. 2021, 30(6):7
34. 商艳芬,李振,何曙光. 考虑轮廓间一阶自相关的二项响应轮廓控制图. 系统工程学报, 2020, 35(1): 24-32
35. Anshu Dai, Guanzhou Wei, Zhaomin Zhang, Shuguang HE. Design of a flexible preventive maintenance strategy for two-dimensional warranted products. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2020, 234(1): 74-87.
36. Zhen He, Yiwen Zhang, Shuguang He*, Dongfan Wang, He Huang. Warranty Service Outsourcing Contracts Design Considering Warranty Fraud and Inspection. International Transactions in Operations Research. 2020,28 (4) : 1952-1977 .
37. Lu Zheng, Zhen He*, Shuguang He. A Novel Probabilistic Graphic Model to Detect Product Defects from Social Media Data. Decision Support Systems, 2020, 137:113369.
38. Yaqi Lou, Zhen He, Lipan Feng, Keyuan Cai, Shugang He*. Original Design Manufacturer’s Warranty Strategy when Considering Retailers’ Brand Power under Different Power Structures. International Transactions in Operations Research, 2020(8):1-18.
39. Yaqi Lou, Lipan Feng, Shuguang He, Xiukun Zhao. Logistics Service Outsourcing Choices in a Retailer-led Supply Chain. Transportation Research Part E, 2020, 141:101944.
40. Shuguang He, Lisha Song, Yanfen Shang, Zhiqiong Wang. Change-point Detection in Phase I for Autocorrelated Poisson Profiles with Random or Unbalanced Designs. International Journal of Production Research. 2020(4):1-18.
41. Yaqi Lou, Zhen He, Lipan Feng, Keyuan Cai, Shuguang He*. Original Design Manufacturer's Warranty Strategy when Considering Retailers' Naming Power under Different Power Structures, International Transactions in Operational Research. 2020(8). DOI: 10.1111/itor.12795
42. Zhen He, Dongfan Wang, Shuguang He*, Anshu Dai, Yiwen Zhang. Two-dimensional Extended Warranty Strategy Including Maintenance Level and Purchase Time: a Win-win Perspective. Computers in Industrial Engineering. Online available. 2020, 141:106294.1-106294.15.
43. Yiwen Zhang, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. Manufacturer Warranty Service Outsourcing Strategies in a Dual-channel Supply Chain. International Transactions in Operational Research. 2020, 27 (6) , pp.2899-2926.
44. Keyuan Cai, Zhen He, Yaiq Lou, Shuguang He*. Risk-aversion Information in a Supply Chain with Price and Warranty Competition. Annals of Operations Research. 2020, 287(1), 61-107.
45. Keyuan Cai, Shuguang He, Zhen He. Information Sharing under Different Warranty Policies with Cost Sharing in Supply Chains. International Transactions in Operational Research. 2020, 27(3):1550-1572.
46. Zhang, Zhaomin, He, Zhen, He, Shuguang. A customized two-dimensional warranty menu design for customers with heterogeneous usage rates. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019: 52( 13), 559-564.
47. Juntao Fang, Zhen He, Shuguang He*. The Robustness of Response Surface Designs with Errors in Factor Levels. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2019.1576883
48. Guanzhou Wei, Xiujie Zhao, Shuguang He*, Zhen He. Reliability Modeling with Condition-based Maintenance for Binary-State Deteriorating Systems Considering Zoned Shock Effects. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2019, 130(4): 282-297.
49. Zhaomin Zhang, Shuguang He, Zhen He, Anshu Dai*. Two-dimensional Warranty Period Optimization Considering the Trade-off between Warranty Cost and Boosted Demand. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2019, 130(4): 575-585.
50. Yaqi Lou, Zhen He, Yanrong Li*, and Shuguang He*. Should Short Warranty Always be Interpreted as Low Quality: The Effect of Brand Advantages on Warranty’s Signalization. International Journal of Production Research. 2019, 57(14): 4468-4479.
51. Xiujie Zhao, Shuguang He, Zhen He, Min Xie. Optimal Condition-based Maintenance Policy with Delay for Systems Subject to Competing Failures under Continuous Monitoring. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2018, 124: 535-544.
52. Xiujie Zhao, Shuguang He, Min Xie. Utilizing Experimental Degradation Data for Warranty Cost Optimization under Imperfect Repair. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2018,177:108-119.
53. Zhen He, Dali Huang, Shuguang He*. Design of Extended Warranty Service in a Dual Supply Channel. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 2018, 29(9-10), 1089–1107.
54. Liang Qu, Shuguang HE, MBC Khoo. A CUSUM Chart for Detecting the Intensity Ratio of Negative Events. International Journal of Production Research. 2018, 56(19):6553-6567.
55. Shuguang HE, Zhaomin Zhang, Wei Jiang, Dejun Bian*. Predicting Field Reliability Based on Two-dimensional Warranty Data with Learning Effects. Journal of Quality Technology. 2018,50(2):198-206.
56. Juntao Fang, Zhen He, Zhaomin Zhang, Shuguang HE*. Reliability Improvement of Diamond Drill Bits using Design of Experiments. Quality Engineering. 2018,30(2):339-350.
57. Yanrong LI, Qingqing Zhao, Shuguang HE*. Determination of the Warranty Service Method Switch Time of Old Generation Products after New Generation Products Launched. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. 2018, 35(1): 291-311.
58. Shuguang HE, Wei JIANG*, Houtao DENG. A Distance-based Control Chart for Monitoring Multivariate Processes using Support Vector Machines. Annals of Operations Research. 2018, 263(1), 191-207.
59. Shuguang HE, Zhaomin Zhang, Guohua Zhang*, Zhen He. Two-dimensional Base Warranty Design based on a New Demand Function Considering Heterogeneous Usage Rate. International Journal of Production Research. 2017, 55(3):7058-7072.
60. Anshu Dai, Zhen He, Zixian Liu, Duo Yang, Shuguang HE*. Field Reliability Modeling based on Two-dimensional Warranty Data with Censoring Times. Quality Engineering. 2017, 29(3):468-483.
61. Yanfen Shang, Zhiqiong Wang, Zhen He, Shuguang HE*. Nonparametric Change-point Detection for Profiles with Binary Data. Journal of Quality Technology. 2017, 49(2): 123-135.
62. 戴安舒,何曙光*,刘子先,杨铎. 二维质保产品的柔性预防性维护策略研究. 工业工程与管理. 2017, 22(5): 55-62.
63. 杜文超, 何曙光*, 边德军, 何桢. 二维质保下基于使用强度的备件库存策略研究. 工业工程与管理. 2017,22(2):119-124.
64. Duo Yang, Zhen He, Shuguang HE*. Warranty Claims Forecasting based on a General Imperfect Repair Model Considering Usage Rate. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2016(145): 147-154.
65. 李岸达, 何桢, 何曙光. 基于NSGA-II的非平衡制造数据关键质量特性识别. 系统工程理论与实践. 2016, 36(6): 1472-1479
66. 李岸达, 何桢, 何曙光. 基于GSA的复杂产品关键质量特性识别. 系统工程与电子技术, 2015, 37(9): 2073-2079.
67. Shuguang HE, Zhen HE, Gang A WANG. CUSUM Control Charts for Multivariate Poisson Distribution. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 2014,43(6): 1192-1208.
68. Shuguang HE, Shijie LI, Zhen HE. A Combination of CUSUM Charts for Monitoring a Zero-inflated Poisson Process. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 2014, 43: 2482-2497.
69. Min Zhang, Gang Alan Wang, Shuguang He*, Zhen He. Modified Multivariate Process Capability Index Using Principal Component Analysis. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(2):249-259.
70. Shuguang HE, Zhen HE, Gang A WANG. Online Monitoring and Fault Identification of Mean Shifts in Bivariate Processes Using Decision Tree Learning Techniques. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2013,24(1):25-34.
1. 物联网大数据环境下装备产品质保管理及售后服务运作优化(72032005),国家自然科学基金重点项目,2021.01-2025.12(项目负责人,在研)
2. 国家自然科学基金中韩合作重点项目(72261147706),基于工业互联网平台的质量管理创新,2023.01-2025.12(第2参加人,在研)
3. 数据驱动的产品可靠性改进方法研究(71872123),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.1-2022.12(项目负责人,在研)
4. 国家自然科学基金中韩合作重点项目(71661147003),基于物联网大数据分析的过程优化研究,2017.01-2019.12,(第2参加人,完成)
5. 二元质保数据建模与产品早期失效预警方法研究(71472132),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015.1-2018.12(项目负责人,完成)
6. 产品质量保证策略与质保服务运作(71532008),国家自然科学基金重点项目,2016.1-2000.12(第2参加人,完成)
7. 多元过程监控与诊断的机器学习方法研究(71002105),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2011.1-2013.12(项目负责人,完成,后评估优秀)
8. 复杂产品制造过程质量监控与诊断的理论与方法研究(70931004),国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2010.1-2013.12(第3参加人,完成)
9. 质保数据分析及质保政策设计. 天津大学北洋学者计划. (项目负责人)
10. 一汽解放质量数据分析. 企业委托,(项目负责人)
1. 产品质量保证策略与质保服务运作研究,第18届天津市社会科学优秀成果二等奖,排名第二(何桢、何曙光、刘子先、谢旻、施亮星)(2023.12)
2. 第11届天津青年科技奖(2011)
3. 复杂产品制造过程质量控制与诊断的理论及方法研究,天津市第十四届社会科学优秀成果二等奖,排名第三(何桢,何曙光,张敏,施亮星)(2016.7)
4. 半导体封装集成质量控制计算机辅助管理系统研究与开发,获天津市科技进步奖,二等奖,排名第二(齐二石,何曙光,聂斌等)(2004)
5. 制造业六西格玛设计方法和应用研究,天津市第十二届社会科学优秀成一等奖,排名第四(何桢,张敏,施亮星,何曙光,赵小松)(2010.12)
6. 天津大学“北洋青年学者”
1. 中国现场统计研究会可靠性分会副理事长
2. 天津市工业工程学会副理事长(质量与可靠性研究应用专委会主任)
3. 天津市现场统计研究会副理事长
4. 中国质量协会学术教育工作委员会委员(2014-2024)