杜慧滨,天津大学讲席教授,新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 主任,国家级领军人才,国家重点研发计划项目首席,国家自然科学基金重点项目负责人,分别担任国际期刊Energy Policy和Structural Change and Economic Dynamics的Editor和Associate Editor;研究成果发表在《管理科学学报》、Nature Climate Change, ES&T等期刊上,多份咨政建议得到省部级及以上领导肯定性批示;作为第一完成人获天津市科技进步一等奖。
[1] Z. Zhang, D. Guan*, R. Wang, J. Meng*, H. Zheng, K. Zhu, H. Du*, 2020. Embodied carbon emissions in the supply chains of multinational enterprises. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-0895-9
[2] Z. Zhang*, J. Meng, H. Zheng, K. Zhu*, H. Du*, D. Guan*, 2020. Production Globalization Makes China’s Exports Cleaner. One Earth, 2(5): 468-478.
[3] H. Du, H. Liu, K. Zhu, Z. Zhang*, 2020. Re-examining the embodied air pollutants in Chinese exports. Journal of Environmental Management, 253: 109709.
[4] H. Du, Z. Chen, M. A. Brown*, Y. Yin, J. Zuo, L. Chai, 2020. How secure are national energy system: A dynamic assessment approach. Ecological Indicators, 108: 105666.
[5] T. Feng, H. Du*, Z. Lin, J. Zuo, 2020. Spatial spillover effects of environmental regulations on air pollution: Evidence from urban agglomerations in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 272: 110998.
[6] T. Feng, H. Du, Z. Zhang*, Z. Mi, D. Guan, J. Zuo, 2020. Carbon transfer within China: Insights from production fragmentation. Energy Economics, 86: 104647.
[7] X. Jia, H. Du, H. Zou*, G. He, 2020. Assessing the effectiveness of China's net-metering subsidies for household distributed photovoltaic systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262: 121161.
[8] X. Liu, H. Du*, Z. Zhang, J. Crittenden, M. Lahr, J. Moreno-Cruz, D. Guan, Z. Mi, J. Zuo, 2019. Can virtual water trade save water resources? Water Research, 163: 114848.
[9] H. Du, Z. Chen, B. Peng*, F. Southworth, S. Ma, Y. Wang. 2019. What drives CO2 emissions from the transport sector? A linkage analysis. Energy. 175: 195-204. 6.082
[10] H. Du, Z. Chen, G. Mao*, L. Chen, J. Crittenden, R. Li, L. Chai, 2019. Evaluation of eutrophication in freshwater lakes: A new non-equilibrium statistical approach. Ecological Indicators, 102: 686-692.
[11] H. Du, D. Liu, Z. Lu*, J. Crittenden, G. Mao, S. Wang, H. Zou, 2019. Research Development on Sustainable Urban Infrastructure From 1991 to 2017: A Bibliometric Analysis to Inform Future Innovations. Earths Future. 7(7): 718-733.
[12] Y. Wang, J. Li, L. Lee*, M. Wang, H. Du, 2019. A review of input-output model application hot spots in the energy and environment fields based on co-words network analysis. Environmental Reviews, 27(4): 567-574.
[13] Z. Chen, H. Du, J. Li*, F. Southworth, S. Ma, 2019. Achieving low-carbon urban passenger transport in China: Insights from the heterogeneous rebound effect. Energy Economics. 81, 1029-1041.
[14] L. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Du*, J. Zuo, R. Li, Z. Zhou, F. Bi, M. Garvlehn, 2019. A comparative life-cycle assessment of hydro-, nuclear and wind power: A China study. Applied Energy. 249: 37-45.
[15] G. Lougou, Y. Shuai, G. Chaffa, H. Xing, H. Tan, H. Du, 2019. Analysis of CO2 utilization into synthesis gas based on solar thermochemical CH4-reforming. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 28: 61-72.
[16] H. Du, D. Liu, B. Sovacool, Y. Wang, S. Ma*, R. Li, 2018. Who buys New Energy Vehicles in China? Assessing social-psychological predictors of purchasing awareness, intention, and policy. Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology & Behaviour, 58: 56-69.
[17] H. Du, Z. Chen, G. Mao*, R. Li, L. Chai, 2018. A spatio-temporal analysis of low carbon development in China’s 30 provinces: A perspective on the maximum flux principle. Ecological Indicators, 90: 54-64.
[18] X. Liu, H. Du*, M. Brown, J. Zuo, N. Zhang, Q. Rong, G. Mao, 2018. Low-carbon technology diffusion in the decarbonization of the power sector: Policy implications. Energy Policy, 116: 334-356.
[19] G. Mao, T. Shi, S. Zhang*, J. Crittenden, S. Guo, H. Du, 2018. Bibliometric analysis of insights into soil remediation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18: 2520-2534.
[20] D. Liu, H. Du*, F. Southworth, S. Ma, 2017. The influence of social-psychological factors on the intention to choose low-carbon travel modes in Tianjin, China. Transportation research part A: Policy and Practice, 105: 42-53.
[21] Y. Wang, F. Bi, Z. Zhang, J. Zuo, G. Zillante, H. Du, H. Liu, J. Li, 2018. Spatial production fragmentation and PM2.5 related emissions transfer through three different trade patterns within China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195: 703-720.
[22] H. Du*, D. Liu, F. Southworth, S. Ma, F. Qiu, 2017. Pathways for energy conservation and emissions mitigation in road transport up to 2030: A case study of the Jing-Jin-Ji area, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162: 882-893.
[23] H. Zou, H. Du*, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, G. Mao, J. Zuo, Y. Liu, X. Liu, D. Huisingh, 2017. A review of the first twenty-three years of articles published in the Journal of Cleaner Production: With a focus on trends, themes, collaboration networks, low/no-fossil carbon transformations and the future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163: 1-14.
[24] H. Zou, H. Du*, M. A. Brown, G. Mao, 2017. Large-scale PV power generation in China: A grid parity and techno-economic analysis. Energy, 134: 256-268.
[25] S. Zhang, G. Mao*, J. Crittenden, X. Liu, H. Du. Groundwater remediation from the past to the future: A bibliometric analysis. Water Research, 2017, 119: 114-125.
[26] H. Zou, H. Du*, J. Ren, B. Sovacool, Y. Zhang, G. Mao, 2017. Market dynamics, innovation, and transition in China's solar photovoltaic industry: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69: 197-206.
[27] L. Zhao, G. Mao*, Y. Wang, H. Du, H. Zou, J. Zuo, Y. Liu, D. Huisingh, 2017. How to achieve low/no-fossil carbon transformations: With a special focus upon mechanisms, technologies and policies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163: 15-23.
[28] J. Zuo, S. Pullen, R. Rammeezdeen, H. Bennetts, Y. Wang, G. Mao, Z. Zhou, H. Du, H. Duan, 2017. Green building evaluation from a life-cycle perspective in Australia: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70: 358-368.
[29] L. Wang, Z. Lin, G. Mao*, J. Zuo, H. Du, 2017. Way to accomplish low carbon development transformation: A bibliometric analysis during 1995-2014. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68: 57-69.
[30] S. Geng, Y. Wang*, J. Zuo, Z. Zhou, H. Du, G. Mao, 2017. Building life cycle assessment research: A review by bibliometric analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76: 176-184.
[31] H. Du*, D. Matisoff, Y. Wang, X. Liu, 2016. Understanding drivers of energy efficiency changes in China. Applied Energy, 184: 1196-1206.
[32] G. Mao, H. Zou, G. Chen*, H. Du, J. Zuo, 2016. Past, current and future of biomass energy research: A bibliometric analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52: 1823- 1833.
[33] Y. Wang, N. Lai, J. Zuo, G. Chen*, H. Du, 2016. Characteristics and trends of research on waste-to-energy incineration: A bibliometric analysis, 1999–2015. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66: 95-104.
[34] H. Zou, H. Du*, D. Broadstock, J. Guo, Y. Gong, G. Mao, 2016. China’s future energy mix and emissions reduction potential: A scenario analysis incorporating technological learning curves. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 1475–1485.
[35] Y. Wang, S. Geng, P. Zhao*, H. Du, Y. He, J. Crittenden, 2016. Cost–benefit analysis of GHG emission reduction in waste to energy projects of China under clean development mechanism. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 109: 90-95.
[36] G. Mao, X. Liu, H. Du*, J. Zuo, N. Li, 2016. An expanding and shifting focus in recent environmental health literature: A quantitative bibliometric study. Journal of Environmental Health, 78(6): 54-61.
[37] Y. Wang, C. Xiang, P. Zhao, G. Mao, H. Du, 2016. A bibliometric analysis for the research on river water quality assessment and simulation during 2000–2014. Scientometrics, 108: 1333-1346.
[38] G. Mao, X. Liu, H. Du*, J. Zuo, L. Wang, 2015. Way forward for alternative energy research: A bibliometric analysis during 1994-2013. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 48: 276-286.
[39] B. Peng, H. Du*, S. Ma, Y. Fan, D. Broadstock, 2015. Urban passenger transport energy saving and emission reduction potential: A case study for Tianjin, China. Energy Conversion and Management, 102: 4-16.
[40] H. Du*, B. Li, M. Brown, G. Mao, R. Rameezdeen, H. Chen, 2015. Expanding and shifting trends in carbon market research: a quantitative bibliometric study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103: 104-111.
[41] Q. Hou, G. Mao*, L. Zhao, H. Du, J. Zuo, 2015. Mapping the scientific research on life cycle assessment: a bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(4): 541-555.
[42] G. Mao, H. Chen, H. Du*, J. Zuo, S. Pullen, Y. Wang, 2015. Energy consumption, environmental impacts and effective measures of green office buildings: A life cycle approach. Journal of Green Building, 10(4):161-177.
[43] H. Du*, N. Li, M. Brown, Y. Peng, Y. Shuai, 2015. A Bibliographic Analysis of Recent Solar Energy Literatures: The Expansion and Evolution of a Research Field. Renewable Energy, 66: 696-706.
[44] H. Du*, Q. Xia, X. Ma, L. Chai, 2014. A new statistical dynamic analysis of ecological niches for China’s financial centres. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 395: 476-486.
[45] H. Du*, L. Wei, M. Brown, Y. Wang, Z. Shi, 2013. A bibliometric analysis of recent energy efficiency literatures: an expanding and shifting focus. Energy Efficiency, 6(1): 177-190.
[46] Y. Lan, H. Du*, 2013. A warranty contract model with uncertain demands. Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 16 (2): 1037-1046.
[47] H. Du*, Q. Xia, L. Wei, 2012. Evolution of Shanghai as an international financial centre with non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 141: 703- 710.
[48] H. Du*, Guo J., Mao G., A. Smith, X. Wang, Y. Wang, 2011. CO2 emissions embodied in China–US trade: Input–output analysis based on the emergy/ dollar ratio. Energy Policy, 39(10): 5980-5987.
[49] R. Li, H. Du. Sustainable construction waste management in Australia: A motivation perspective. In Construction safety and waste management, an economic analysis, 2015, 1-30. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
[1] 科技部国家重点研发计划重点专项 (2018YFC0213600):大气污染区域联防联控制度和管理技术体系研究,2018.07-2021.06,项目首席
[2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71834004):可再生能源发展的驱动机理及路径选择:行为、市场与政策,2019.01-2023.12,项目负责人
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71673198):气候变化框架下的能-水关联系统建模、优化和政策模拟,2017.01-2020.12、主持;
[4] 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71431005):低碳导向下城市交通系统协同机制与优化方法:基于行为的视角,2015.01-2019.12,第一参与;
[5] 科技部国家科技支撑项目(子课题)(2014BAC26B00):燃气制备及高效利用集成示范、工程化运行模式及产业化机制研究,2014.01-2017.12,主持;
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71273185):碳排放约束下能源-经济-环境(3E)系统演化的动力学机理与政策模拟,2013.01-2016.12,主持;
[7] 国网湖南省电力公司电力科学研究院(2016GFW-0220):基于新形势下客户满意度需求的电网增值盈利模式研究-基于客户满意度的用电需求深度挖掘分析研究,2016.07- 2016.12,主持;
[8] 国家社会科学基金重大项目(12&ZD208):智能电网对我国能源供用方式和能源产业格局的影响及发展战略研究,2013.01-2015.12、参与;
[9] 教育部高校科技“十三五”规划创新引领重大专项战略研究项目:资源环境领
[10] 域,2014.11-2015.03,参与。
[11] 交通运输部建设科技项目第四子课题(2013328224520):利用物联网实现港口能耗及排放在线监测与动态分析优化技术研究,2015/03-2015/11、主持;
[12] Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Project (EWG 03 2014S): Clean and Efficient Use of Energy and Water Resources: Initiating an APEC Road Map and Best Practices for the Energy-Water Nexus. 2014.08-2015.08,参加;
[13] 国家发展改革委应对气候变化司中国清洁发展机制基金第一子课题(2012023):关 于进行碳强度减排、将天津滨海新区建成低碳经济示范区的试点方案与配套政策研究, 2013.03-2015.03,主持;
[14] 国务院发展研究中心(2014GKF-0578):能源领域最优市场化程度研究,2014.09- 2015.01,主持;
[15] 第 54 批中国博士后科学基金一等资助(2013M540145):碳市场机制设计及其经济影响分析,2013.09-2014.09,主持;
[16] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(70801042):基于非平衡统计力学的金融中心演化的动力学机制研究,2009.01-2011.12,主持,后评估为“优”;
[1] 国际期刊 Energy Policy 副主编;
[2] 中国“双法”研究会能源经济与管理研究分会副秘书长、常务理事;
[3] 中国“双法”研究会低碳发展管理分会常务理事;
[4] 中国系统工程学会资源能源系统工程分会常务理事;
[5] 中国系统工程学会生态环境系统工程分会常务委员;
[6] 天津市系统工程学会秘书长;
[7] 国家自然科学基金评审专家;
[8] 期刊审稿人:Nature Energy、Environmental Science & Technology、the Energy Journal、Energy Economics、Energy Policy、Applied Energy 等。