


How Harmless is Convexication for Non-Parametric Cost Function Estimates?


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How Harmless is Convexication for Non-Parametric Cost Function Estimates?

Date:2016-07-05 From:

Lecture: How Harmless is Convexication for Non-Parametric Cost Function Estimates?

Speaker:Kristiaan Kerstens

Time: 09:00-11:00, 11th Jul. 2016

Place: Building 25A-511


Kristiaan Kerstens. PhD in Economics.

Director of research (= Research professor) at CNRS and Professor at IESEG School of Management in Lille (France).

He has broad teaching and research experience, visiting positions with teaching in such as: EDHEC, Lille : MBA program; Soochow University , Taipei; Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg; University of Leicester, Leicester .

He is also Associate Editor of the international OR TOP journal (2001-2006) and Journal of Productivity Analysis (2010- ) and Journal of Portfolio Analysis & Management (2011- ).

His main research specialties include: (i) Efficiency measurement (benchmarking) of private and public sector organizations; (ii) Productivity indices and indicators (Total Factor Productivity); (iii) Portfolio optimisation with higher moments; and (iv) Public economics.

He has published 134 papers until 31 December 2015, the whole citations of which is 2411. Most of them are published in: < >、< >、< < journal of economics>>、 < >、< >、 < > and so on.
