


Measuring Economic Resilience to Disasters


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Measuring Economic Resilience to Disasters

Date:2015-10-27 From:

Title:Measuring Economic Resilience to Disasters

Speaker:Adam Rose

Time:9:00-10:30am, Nov.3, 2015

Place:Floor 3, Room B, Building 25A.


Adam Rose is a Professor in the University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy, and a faculty affiliate of USC's Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE). Before coming to USC, he served as Professor and Head of the Department of Energy and Environmental Economics at The Pennsylvania State University for fourteen years. He received his PhD in Economics from Cornell University.

Professor Rose’s main area of research is the economics of energy and climate change policy. As a consultant to the United Nations, he played a major role in the development of the first proposal for a system of globally tradable emission allowances. More recently, he has advised government agencies in several states and regions on the development of cap & trade programs and agencies in several U.S. states, Baja Mexico, and Chinese provinces on the employment impacts of climate action plans. Professor Rose has done pioneering research on the aggregate and distributional impacts of climate mitigation policy by advancing methodologies in both computable general equilibrium and macroeconometric modeling. He has also evaluated the economic impacts of twenty energy technologies, including both fossil fuels and renewables.
