


How to Write Academic Papers in English


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How to Write Academic Papers in English

Date:2016-01-08 From:

Seminar Contents: Writing Samples, case studies, quantitative research and qualitative research; format requirements of American journals

Time: 8:30~10:00, a.m., January 11, 2016

Place: Classroom B, FL 3, Building # 25/A.

Future Schedule: TBD

Seminar: How to Write Academic Papers in English

Goal: Help those who plan to submit papers to American journals improve their English writing skills

Seminar Format: Class lectures, writing sample analysis, discussion based on English papers, homework (mini papers or short literature reviews)

Host: Dr. Liangfu Wu, a foreign adjunct faculty member College of Management & Economies. Dr. Wu worked as the CIO for the City of Downers Grove, IL USA (1994~2014), and an adjunct professor for Northern Illinois University (1997~ today). Areas of research interests: management of American local government, information technology and government operations, research method, emergency management. Dr. Wu has published a number of research paper and books in both US and China
