


What Should We Do About National Culture? Investigating the Connections Between Measures of National Culture and Management and Economic Outcomes


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What Should We Do About National Culture? Investigating the Connections Between Measures of National Culture and Management and Economic Outcomes

Date:2014-12-17 From:

TITLE:What Should We Do About National Culture? Investigating the Connections Between Measures of National Culture and Management and Economic Outcomes

SPEAKER:Professor Gregory Hundley

TIME: 9:30am-11:30am Dec. 19th.

PLACE: 25A3B (25楼A座3层B教室).

Professor Gregory Hundley’s interests include human resource management, compensation and reward, international human resource management, and entrepreneurship. His current areas of research include strategic human resource management, self-employment, and international compensation. Professor Hundley is also interested in the effects of national culture on human resource outcomes. His publications have been published in Strategic Management Journal, Industrial Relations and Academy Management Journal. Professor Hundley has been on the faculties of the University of Oregon, University of Western Australia and Xavier University. Currently he is associate editor of Management and Organization Review (MOR), on the editorial board of Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources.
