


Research Method and Exemplar Applications


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Research Method and Exemplar Applications

Date:2015-06-16 From:


June 29, 2015

PLACE:25A-ClassB (3rd floor)

SPEAKER:T Warren Liao, Professor of Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering in Louisiana State University, USA

TITLE:Research Method and Exemplar Applications

Biography: Dr. Liao received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University in 1990. Since 1990, he has been with Louisiana State University. Dr. Liao has broad research interest, with main thrust in intelligent manufacturing, particularly in the face of artificial intelligence and manufacturing engineering. His research covers both manufacturing processes and production/service systems. Most of Dr. Liao’s research publications can be found in the Web of Science. Currently he has four ongoing research projects, funded by NASA, state of Louisiana, LSU Graduate School, and LSU College of Engineering. Dr. Liao has been serving as an Associate Editor for Applied Soft Computing since 2009. He also serves as a board member for several other journals.
