


Global Sourcing & Corporate Social Responsibility. Opportunities, Risk and Future Directions


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Global Sourcing & Corporate Social Responsibility. Opportunities, Risk and Future Directions

Date:2015-07-31 From:

Title:Global Sourcing & Corporate Social Responsibility.Opportunities, Risk and Future Directions

Speaker:Prof. Andrea Appolloni, Dep. of Business, Government, Philosophy Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Time: 10:00-11:30, August. 3 (Monday), 2015

Place: Room 108, Building 6th.

Abstract:Over the last years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important component of business activities for many companies in the world. Much attention has been devoted considering also supply chain perspective. Multinational corporations are not only responsible for sound environmental and social practices within their own premises, but increasingly also for sustainable performance of their suppliers, and ultimately for the entire supply chain which they lead as channel leaders.
