


Statistical Thinking for Big Data Era


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Statistical Thinking for Big Data Era

Date:2015-09-25 From:

Title:Statistical Thinking for Big Data Era

Speaker:Dennis Lin

Time::14:00-15:30 ,Oct. 1, 2015

Place:Room B, Building 3th.


Dr. Dennis K. J. Lin is a University Distinguish Professor from the Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University. He received his doctoral degree in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has published near 200 SCI/SSCI papers which cover a breath-taking spectrum of areas. Dr. Lin is an elected fellow of ASA (American Statistical Association), IMS (Institute of Mathematical Statistics) and ASQ (American Society for Quality), an elected member of ISI (International Statistical Institute), a lifetime member of ICSA (International Chinese Statistical Association), and a fellow of RSS (Royal Statistical Society).

He is an honorary chair professor for various universities, including a Chang-Jiang Scholar of China at Renmin University, an honorary chair professor at Fudan University, and National Chengchi University (Taiwan). Dr. Lin presents several distinguished keynote lectures, including the 2010 Youden Address (FTC), and the 2011 Loutit Address (SSC). He is also the recipient of the 2015 Shewhart Medal (ASQ), the 2014 Hunter Award (ASQ/ASA), the 2010 Don Owen Award (ASA) and the 2004 Faculty Scholar Medal Award at Penn State University.
