


Prof. Dennis Lin:Advances in Dimensional Analysis


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Prof. Dennis Lin:Advances in Dimensional Analysis

Date:2013-11-22 From:

Distinguished professors in Statistics Prof. Geoff G. Vining from Virginia Tech and Prof. Dennis Lin from Pennsylvania State University will visit CoME later this month. The detailed arrangement is as follows:

1. Prof. Dennis Lin will deliver an academic lecture in the morning of June 23, 2013.

Topic: Advances in Dimensional Analysis

Time: 9:00 am

June 23, 2013

Location: Classroom A506, Building 26th

2. Prof. Geoff G Vining will visit CoME from June 21 through June 30, 2013, and will conduct two courses.

Courses: (1) Design of Experiments & Reliability Improvement

(2) Analysis & Optimization for Multiple Response Surface

Time: 8:30-11:30 am

14:30-17:30 pm

Date: June21,22,24,25,26,27, 2013

Location: Classroom A506, Building 26th

Teachers and students interested are welcome!
