


Professor Xiong Xiong was elected as the Deputy Secretary General of China Society of Systems Engineering and chairman of the Finance Systems Engineering Committee


  In the morning of February 20, 2016, the Ninth Sixth Standing Council of China Society of Systems Engineering 2016 Chinese New Year Tea Party was held at the Conference Room 202, South Building of Beijing Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science Research Institute, participants included the Chairman Wang Shouyang, Di Zengru, Huang Haijun, Li Yijun, Wang Hongwei, Yang Xinmin, Gao Ziyou and the vice chairman Ling Wen, a total of 50 members of Standing

  Council attended the meeting chaired by the Secretary-General Yang Xiaoguang.

  Professor Zhang Wei, Professor Xiong Xiong, Professor Tang Wansheng of CoME, Tianjin University attended the meeting. At this meeting, Professor Xiong Xiong was elected as the Deputy Secretary General of China Society of Systems Engineering and the chairman of Finance Committee of Systems Engineering; as an editor, Professor Tang Wansheng, on behalf of "Journal of Systems Engineering" and the director of Wang Shouyang signed the “Serial Journals of Society commissioned contractor agreement".

  This Standing Council Conference mainly discussed contents in seven aspects, 2015 work report, branch management, Periodical Construction, 19th Annual Meeting matters regarding to the development of the Third "Science and Technology Award of Systems Science and Systems Engineering" recommended affairs, vote for candidates for the Ninth National Congress of China Association of Science and Society and vote for candidates for the ninth National Committee, enhance the capabilities of Society and to undertake the functions of governments (the Secretary-General conveyed the spirit of CAST conference).