


Tianjin University won the Best Organization Award of the Sixth National Excellent Management Case Award


  Recently, Professor Zhang Wei, Dean of CoME, Tianjin University attended the meeting of "Annual Meeting of the National Steering Committee of Business Administration Degree Education" in Xi'an and "National MBA Education School of Management Dean Joint Meeting” and accepted the " Best Organization Award - National One Hundred Excellent Cases " on behalf of Tianjin University. In recent years, CoME has achieved remarkable achievements in case construction, relying on the cooperation with Nanyang Technological University, "China Enterprise Management Case Centre", through policy guidance and positive efforts for faculty, CoME continuously obtained the one hundred outstanding annual case, which played an important role of the development of Business administration and the entire management discipline of Tianjin University.

  At this Deans’ joint meeting, Professor Zhang Wei also awarded the 2015 license of “Chinese Advanced Management Education Accreditation (CAMEA)" on behalf of CoME, Tianjin University. CAMEA created its own brand in 2011, which is a localized Chinese MBA program quality accreditation; in merely five years, it has attracted the attention of three international project management accreditation bodies (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA) and show willingness to collaborate. Followed by 2013 AMBA highest level of certification for five years (TJU is the first university in the world submitted three projects MBA, EMBA and MPA for certification at the same time and passed all five-year accreditations at once), CoME also passed the five-year CAMEA certification in November 2015.