


Delegation of College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware Visited CoME


  On Mar 27th, the delegation of College of Business and Economics (CoBE),University of Delaware (UD) visited CoME, TJU. Dean of CoME, Zhang Wei, Vice Dean of CoME, Yang Baochen and Mao Zhaofang met with the delegation.

  First, Dean Zhang Wei delivered his welcome to the delegation of UD and introduced the history of Tianjin city and Tianjin University and relevant historical development and current situation of TJU. Then, Associate Dean, Prof. Andrews introduced relevant information of Delaware State, UD and the details of the CoBE. Professor Gregan is in charge of student admission introduced CoBE’s "1 + 3" and "2 + 2" collaboration projects. On the basis of these projects, CoME and CoBEdelegation of CoBE proposed a three-week “Summer Camp for CoME’s Students”. Otherwise, the two bodies discussed the potential collaborative projects of faculty-exchange and staff-training. CoME finally learnt from CoBE about the experience on students’ innovation incubation program and proposed intention of cooperation in the future.

  Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware was founded on 1963 and received the Accreditation by AACSB on 1966. There are five departments in this college, and it is comprised of 3,000 undergraduate students, 289 MBA students, 141 faculty and 50 staff.