


Professor of Pennsylvania State University, Dennis Lin Visited CoME


  On May 21, 2015, Professor of Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, Dennis K. J. Lin visited CoME and gave a lecture in the title of Statistics for Internet of Things.

  Prof Lin used humorous languages introduced the meaningless of statistics, data and the concepts and core of Internet of things. He emphasized four characters of Big Data, namely, Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity to Illustrate the statistical techniques in future networking opportunities in the era of big data.

  In a warm atmosphere, Prof Lin discussed related issues about statistics with teachers and students from CoME. This lecture is estimated to update the knowledge of future trends and frontier of the discipline of Statistics.

  Dennis K.J. Lin obtained his Ph.D. of Statistics in University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He is a professor of Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University. He is the Chang-Jiang Scholar of Remin University of China, Honorary Chair Professor of Fudan University and Honorary Chair Professor of XiAn Statistical Institute.

  He also serves as the Elected Fellow of American Statistical Association, Elected Member of International Statistical Institute, Elected Fellow of American Society for Quality, Elected Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and Elected Fellow of The Royal Statistical Society and the lifetime member of International Chinese Statistical Association.