


Tianjin University Master Program of Engineering in Project Management Passes the PMI-GAC Certification


  Tianjin University Master Program of Engineering in Project Management passes the PMI-GAC certification currently.

  Certification experts wrote up evaluation reports according to their site inspection results, highly praised the teaching quality of our Master Program of Engineering in Project Management, fully recognized the training system and training characteristics of TJU in the field of project management, approved the management model and work efficiency of Master of Engineering Center, and recommended unanimously that Tianjin University’s Master Program of Engineering in Project Management pass the PMI-GAC certification.

  PMI (Project Management Institute) was founded in 1969, with approximately 600,000 members and certification experts from 191 countries worldwide. It aims at making project management more scientific, more professional and more global, improving the reception and recognition degree of project management by various global organizations, and promoting a given organization’s performance through the application of project management. PMI-GAC was established in 2001, is currently the sole authoritative organization worldwide which certifies project management degree program. It aims to promote the development of excellent teaching program and curriculum in project management, to ensure the quality of project management degree education, to help colleges and universities to improve curriculum plan of project management degree education, and to promote project management education and career development.

  It takesCoME six months to pass the certification for Master Program of Engineering in Project Management. Master of Engineering Center of CoME submitted its Letter of Intent and Plan of Action to the PMI-GAC Certification Center in March 2013, and was formally approved of its application by the PMI-GAC Certification Center on May 9, 2013. On May 16, 2013, Master of Engineering Center submitted its Self-Evaluation Report to the PMI-GAC Certification Center. The report provides a detailed description and analysis of the education of Master of Engineering in Project Management in CoME, including its mission, goals, strengths and weaknesses, continuous improvement, academic institutions(faculty), student support services, student selection, program curriculum effects (outcomes of project management core learning), assessment standards of student performance, books and learning resources, financial resources, and facilities.

  Three American PMI-GAC global certification experts on project management conducted a three-day on-site evaluation in TJU from June 13 to June 15, 2013.

  A reportmeeting concerning on-site evaluation by PMI-GAC global certification experts from America was held in the Conference Building of TJU on June 13. Those who attended the conference include Prof. Zhao Meirong (vice Dean of Graduate School), Chen Jinlong (Director of Graduate Training Department), Prof. Zhang Wei (Dean of CoME), Prof. He Zhen (vice Dean of CoME, in charge of international exchanges), Niu Zhanwen (Dean of Professional Degree and Advanced Training School), Yang Wensheng (vice Dean of Professional Degree and Advanced Training School), and Sun Hui (Director of the Master of Engineering Center). In addition, faculty representatives Prof. Zhang Lianying, Prof. Guo Junpeng, associate Prof. Lv Wenxue, associate Prof. Xiao Yan, and administrative staff as well also attended the meeting.

  The meeting was chaired by Prof. He Zhen (vice Dean of the College ofManagement and Economics). Prof. Zhao Meirong, vice dean of Graduate School, extended congratulations on behalf of TJU, and introduced TJU’s overall development to the experts. Prof. Zhang Wei, Dean of CoME, introduced the development of CoME, discipline construction and support for the development of Project Management. Associate Prof. Sun Hui, director of the Master of Engineering Center, made a report to the experts about construction and management of Master Program of Engineering in Project Management during the past decade.

  Subsequently, the on-site inspection panel visited History Museum of TJU, Library of CoME, Fundamental Lab of Management Science and Application, Sandbox Lab of Project Management, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Engineering Lab, Finance and System Engineering Lab, Decision Theatre and other teaching facilities. Concerning the professional degree education of Engineering Master in Project Management, the panel also carefully inspected relevant administrative rules and regulations on graduate enrollment, instruction and thesis, and related materials concerning the curriculum plan, textbooks, handouts, exam papers, and graduation thesis. Thus, the core teaching content and teaching effect of Master Program of Engineering in Project Management were examined from multiple perspectives. Meanwhile, the panel had a discussion with faculty representatives such as professors Wang Xueqing, Zhang Lianying, and Chen Yongqiang, associate professors Bi Xing, Lv Wenxue, Xiao Yan, Wang Anmin, Li Changyan, Yang Kelei, and Zhou Gang, and administrative staff as well. What’s more, the panel also had a face-to-face discussion respectively with a total of 13 alumni and students, as well as two representatives of employers. The student representatives include HuoYuanyuan, Xu Yunzhou, Wang Yadong, Xing Na, etc.

  The certification process goes through four stages of submission of Letter of Intent, preparation of Self-Evaluation Report, On-site Visit Evaluation, and the PMI GAC Board Decision. Following the on-site evaluation, two foreign experts reviewed all the assessment materials. In August 2013, the PMI GAC Board voted and approved unanimously that Master Program of Engineering in Project Management of TJU could pass the PMI-GAC certification.

  Tianjin University is a pioneer in project management education and a representative that has obtained outstanding achievements. Yang Wensheng, vice Dean of Professional Degree and Advanced Training School in TJU’s CoME, was presently invited to attend the Fourth PMI (China) Project Management Conference, was awarded the certificate issued by PMI, exchanged ideas and shared experience with the delegates attending the conference