


Professor Bao-feng Huo Was Elected to the IJPE Editorial Board


  April 8th

  Recently, at the invitation of the International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), a leading academic journal in operation and management, Professor Bao-feng Huo, Dean of College of Management and Economics (hereafter called CoME) of Tianjin University, officially served as the editorial board member of the journal.

  About the journal

  IJPE is listed as a level 3 journal (high-level) in the ABS Journal Ranking (high-quality academic journals), with an impact factor (IF) of 4.998 in 2018.

  The journal focuses on related research issues in engineering and management and its overlapping fields, covering all aspects of the manufacturing industry and general production and processing fields. The journal's research mostly involves interdisciplinary fields, aiming to spread theoretical knowledge to improve industrial practice and strengthen the relevant theoretical foundation needed to support rational decision-making.


  About Professor Bao-feng Huo

  Professor Huo is the Dean of CoME, doctoral supervisor, convener of Tianjin Management Discipline Review. He is also the winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, selectee of New Century Excellent Talent Program of the Ministry of Education, and Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar. Professor Huo’s research and teaching areas include operations management, logistics and supply chain management, etc.

  Professor Huo is the deputy editor of Journal of Operations Management (UTD24) which is the top operations management journal. He is on the editorial board of Production and Operations Management (UTD24), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (top engineering journals) International Journal of Operations & Production Management (ABS4), International Journal Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (ABS2, IF 5.212), and Industrial Management & Data Systems (ABS2, IF 3.727). His papers have been published in JOM, POM, JSCM, IJOPM, JBL, IEEE-TEM, Journal of Management Sciences in China, System Engineering Theory and Practice and other well-known academic journals at home and abroad.


  By the College of Management and Economics