


Congratulations | The paper of Associate Professor Jiang Wan of CoME was published in the Strategic Management Journal (UTD24)


Recently, the paper "Does CEO emotion matter? CEO affectivity and corporate social responsibility" by Jiang Wan,a talented associate professor of the Department of Organization and Strategic Management of College of Management and Economics (hereafter called CoME) of Tianjin University (hereafter called TJU), as the corresponding author, was accepted and published online by the UTD24 top journal in the field of business administration, Strategic Management Journal. It took nearly 4 years from submission, five rounds of review to final publication. It has been the first paper published by the faculty of the CoME as the main author in UTD24 top journals in the field of business administration (organizational behavior and human resources, strategic management, marketing, accounting, etc.), achieving the breakthrough of CoME in publishing papers in UTD24 top journals in the field of business administration!

Strategic Management Journal

Strategic Management Journal (SMJ for short), founded in 1980, is the journal of the Strategic Management Society (SMS). As one of the top international academic journals in the field of business administration, SMJ is famous for its strict academic requirements and excellent editorial standards, ranking the highest in UTD24, FT50 and ABS4*. SMJ is one of the UTD24 journals with the lowest number of papers published by scholars from universities in mainland China. In the past five years (from 2018 to now), scholars from universities and colleges in mainland China have published only 10 papers in SMJ as the first/corresponding author, with an annual average of only 2 publications.

The paper’s publication in SMJ can make important contributions to the discipline evaluation of CoME, the construction of "Double-First Class" and the international accreditation ranking. Jiang Wan is currently a talented associate professor and a specially-hired researcher of CoME. In the past five years, he has published several papers in UTD24, FT50, ABS 4 * and other top and A+ international journals, and has made some academic progress in the field of enterprise innovation management and ESG.


While prior research has generated meaningful insights into the antecedents of firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR), little attention has been devoted to examining the influence of CEO affectivity—a relatively stable tendency to experience positive or negative emotions. This study explores how CEO positive affectivity (PA) and negative affectivity (NA) may be related to firms' CSR activities. The empirical research results contend that CEO PA is positively related to CSR, whereas CEO NA is negatively related to CSR. We further investigate how CEO social capital may moderate the relationship between CEO affectivity and CSR. The unique role of CEO emotions in CSR research. The findings suggest that CEOs should be aware of how their affective tendencies can influence their firm's CSR strategy and consider avenues to utilize emotional influence advantageously while avoiding potential affective bias.

Associate Professor Jiang Wan said:

In recent years, the CoME has been in the forefront of China in education and teaching, talent training, top papers publishing and major projects declaration, thanks to the strong support from the leadership of the CoME, the support of the first-class cultural system and the assistance of the top discipline platform. The all-round talent development system of "making the best use of talents " set up by CoME allows every faculty member to have a stage to show himself, realizing the resonance and common development of faculty and the CoME. I believe that the faculty will achieve more and better results relying on the first-class platform of CoME!