

Education Programs

Undergraduate Major in Logistics Engineering


Logistics Engineering (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

Consultation tel: 022-27403784

The earliest discipline team to begin the research of enterprise logistics in China.

Since 2004, it has begun to admit undergraduate of logistics engineering (logistics and supply chain management), and has evaluated as the first in China for many times.

Its first-class discipline of management science and engineering is national key discipline.

Its first-class discipline of management science and engineering is the one of the first batch doctor programs and first batch post-doctoral research stations of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council.

Logistics discipline is one of the first batch cultivation institutes of engineering master of logistics engineering in China, and is also one of the first batch cultivation institutes of logistics engineering master of three-level professional qualification with CILT in China.

Cultivation: features of discipline: it has the features of launching academic research and talent cultivation to processing and manufacturing enterprises as well as productive service fields. It makes economics, management and operation research as its base, integrates the industrial engineering, operation management, logistics and supply chain management, cost management, corporate finance and other knowledge, provides opportunities of global expansion (joint cultivation and short-term exchange with famous universities and colleges in America, Great Britain, HK, Taiwan and other regions, as well as the special lecture made by experts and scholars from famous universities and colleges), and cultivates talents of logistics and supply chain management with broad foundation, lean profession and international vision. With more than ten years’ development, it has become the demonstration program in logistics field of Tianjin. Strong discipline cluster support: the related disciplines including industrial engineering, information management and information system, system engineering and others all rank in the top of China. Guide the development of discipline: since its start in 2003, the discipline has focused on integration of manufacturing and logistics, which is 6 years earlier than the idea of industrial development of two businesses put forward by the state in 2009; the earliest one to put forward research topic of low-carbonization of supply chain, and get the sponsorship from National Natural Science Foundation; the earliest one to put forward the innovation frame of logistics and supply chain in China which gets the attention of peers.

Postgraduate entrance and employment: this program admits 28-30 students each year, and 20% of graduates will be recommended to study postgraduate courses in Tianjin University, and universities and colleges of national “985” and “211” projects. Since the first graduates in 2008, 8% of the graduates have studied further overseas, 60% of the students have studied postgraduate courses in China and 32% of the students have worked. The students who choose to work are all be employed for once, including international large processing and manufacturing enterprises (John Diehl, Motorola, Huawei, FAW, COFCO and others), logistics enterprises (T&B logistics Group, Jingdong and others), and consultation enterprises (Ernst & Young).

Famous tutors: logistics and supply chain management program in Tianjin University has 14 teachers including 2 professors (doctor tutors), and 10 associate professors (9 master tutors). Among them, 12 teachers all have doctor degree of internationally and nationally famous universities, and 7 teachers have studied and worked in internationally famous universities and colleges. In recent 5 years, it has shouldered 5 national scientific research programs, nearly 10 provincial-departmental scientific research programs, and more than 20 enterprise consultation programs.

Cooperation in running school: has established close talent cultivation and scientific research with internationally famous universities and colleges, which include: Manufacturing Research Institution in University of Cambridge in Great Britain, Industrial and System Engineering Department in Georgia Institute of Technology in America, Fisher College of Business in the Ohio State University in America, School of Management in Cranfield University in Great Britain and others. It has established the first batch logistics production research foundation, and the internationally large enterprises with close production research relation include: John Diehl (China), Dell (China), Motorola (China), FAW-Volkswagen, TJFAW and others.