

Education Programs

Introduction for Master of Applied Economics


Program code: 020200    name of program: applied economics

1. Research area and master tutors

Research area: financial innovation and risk management; theory and method of economics and financial econometrics, entrepreneurship and large and medium financing, modeling and optimization of complex economic system

Tutors: 8

Wei Zhang, Chunfeng Wang, Baochen Yang, Jinlan Liu, Xiong Xiong, Da Ren, Dongling Yan, Yan Guo, Qingming Hao, Mingyuan Guo

2. Program features

Applied economics is a kind of applicable and social discipline with economics, finance, quantitive economics, statistics and other theory as its base. In order to meet the need of comprehensive and senior talent cultivation, since 2012, as for the program of applied economics, it has made admission and cultivation of the first-class discipline, and cultivated senior comprehensive talents with high quality who have strong professional knowledge and advanced technical application ability, possess the ability of international theoretical research and practical operation, and are needed by financial institutes, security companies, financial supervision departments, and large enterprises.

Since 1999, College of Management and Economics in Tianjin University has obtained master authorization right of three second-class disciplines including quantitive economics, finance and statistics under the first-class discipline of applied economics; especially in financial engineering, quantitive economics and other disciplines, Tianjin University has high reputation and academic influence. With development of more than 10 years, the discipline has satisfied the need of national economic construction, social development and sci-tech advance, and shaped the research areas including theory and method of economy and financial econometrics, entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprise fiancing, modeling and optimization of complex economic system, financial innovation and risk management, and others.

The discipline has established the series of courses including economics, finance, quantitive economics, statistics and other fields for masters, invited international and national experts and scholars to make exchanges, opened lectures to masters, accumulated rich talent cultivation experience, and set the good cooperation relation with financial institutes and management departments of macro economy. Students after graduation mostly work in banks, companies of insurance and security, large and medium enterprises, departments of teaching and scientific research and others, which have got good reputation from society.

As for academic exchange, teachers of the discipline mostly have studied or visited overseas, and they have good international vision. The discipline has established extensive academic link with America, Germany, Singapore, Finland, HK, Taiwan and other regions. Besides, it also has strong academic atmosphere, and also invites international and national peers to make exchange. Each year, more than 10 teachers will participate in international academic meetings, and developed good academic influence.

3. Major scientific research programs and achievements

The discipline is of high academic level and strong scientific research ability, and reaches the leading level in computation experiment finance, financial engineering, theory and method of economy and financial econometrics, and other fields. In recent years, the discipline has finished or is shouldering more than ten National Natural Science Foundation programs, more than 20 ones of National Social Science Foundation program, National Science and technology program of 11th Five-year plan (special subject), more than 20 programs by Ministry of Education and province, and more than 10 horizontal entrusted programs. In recent years, teachers of the discipline have published more than 200 academic papers in internationally and nationally high-level academic journals, and got more than 10 awards including provincial Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, Philosophy and Social Science Prize and other provincial prizes.

4. The enrollment in recent years

The master program faces students of economic institutes and comprehensive universities so as to admit talents. The ratio of application and admission is 5:1.

5. Major courses for masters and dissertation requirements

Major courses during master process include: economics, financial institutes and financial market, investment, quantitive economics, senior quantitive economics, financial risk management, computation experiment finance, small enterprise financing, experiment and behavioral finance, and others.

The selection of dissertation should be of certain theoretical meaning and higher practical value. Students should have professional quality of economics, read extensively the international and national research literature of such fields, understand and follow the main trend and academic frontier of the research fields, and define their own direction, research goal and meaning. The dissertation should have better theoretical foundation and related empirical test and the writing of the dissertation should be of distinctive nuance, sound logic, and fluent style, and conform to technical writing standard.

6. Employment

After graduation, the students could work in large commercial banks, security companies, foundation companies, stock exchanges and other financial institutes or supervision departments, large enterprises, multi-national companies, higher universities and colleges, other research institutes or governmental administrative organs of finance business.