

Education Programs

Introduction for Master of Management Science and Engineering


Program code: 120100   Name of program:Management Science and Engineering

1. Research Area and Master’s Tutors

Research area:Industrial Engineering; Engineering Management; Information Systems and Information Management;Management System Engineering; Financial Engineering

Tutors: 76 (in the order of surname)

Xing BiFuzan ChenWeidong ChenYongqiang ChenGang DuHuibin DuJun Du Nan Feng

Hong GaoJuhong GaoJunpeng GuoShuguang HeZhen HeZhimin HeYanfang HuoHu Jia

Chengye KangJisong KouBo LiMinqiang LiWenhua LiQiang LinSheng LinYu Lin

Hongwei LiuJinlan LiuJunying LiuWeihua LiuZixian LiuWenxue LvFengning MaJunhaMa i

Shoufeng MaZhaofang MaoShiqiang MeiJunna MengGuofang NanBin NieZhanwen NiuYan Peng

Ershi QiDa RenTiancheng ShangJiang ShenLiangxing ShiHui SunWansheng TangJin Tian

Bo WangAnmin WangChunfeng WangWang XiuqinWenjun WangXueqing WangBaichen XieXiong Xiong

Mei XuBaochen YangKelei YangHuiying ZhangJianxiong ZhangJinyue ZhangJunyan ZhangLianying Zhang

Min ZhangShuibo ZhangWei ZhangYongjie ZhangDaozhi ZhaoLiming ZhaoRuiqing ZhaoTao Zhao

Xiaosong ZhaoChundong ZhengShiquan ZhongGang Zhou

2. Program Features

“Management Science and Engineering” in Tianjin University is a national key discipline, first level discipline authorized to offer doctorate degrees, and a post-doctoral research station. It evolved from former discipline of “System Engineering” established in 1978. At that time, as the country's first doctoral and master's granting disciplines, had an important academic influence in the country. In 1986, listed by the former State Board of Education as a “National Key Discipline”, is China's first batch of national key disciplines, and also was one of six national key disciplines in Tianjin University. Currently, “Management Science and Engineering” ranked second in the country's third round of disciplinary assessment in 2012, playing as the basis of management discipline development in the University and advantages of disciplines.

The subject is one of the country’s earliest academic units to undertake system engineering and modern management. It provides an important scientific basis for energy policies, educational planning and other strategic macro-management decisions. As one of the first units in the higher education system to launch study and education of Operations Researchin management science direction, it contributes a lot to the quality of operational research teachers. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management both belong to the first batch of master's degree granting units in the direction of similar disciplines. It exerts an important academic influence in the research and personnel training in the field of Computer-integrated Manufacturing, Quality Engineering, Quality Management, and International Project Management. Our research and development in the Information Management and Information System is in close cooperation with many companies, showing outstanding advantages in the information technology and modern management; Financial Engineering is one of the first base to carry out financial engineering R&D and personnel training, and in the domestic financial engineering theory and application areas, it enjoys an outstanding academic reputation. These fully demonstrated strong comprehensive strength of the discipline.

The discipline is focused on management theory and method that is in lined with current social and economic development. It is stressed to solve various management problems encountered in the social economic system, enterprise production and operation system, construction project, financial system and transportation system by the approach of qualitative and quantitativecombination.

The discipline currently has 1 national“1000 plan” inductee, 1 Chair Professor in Cheung Kong Scholar Program of Ministry of Education, 2 Tianjin“1000 plan” inductees, 3 winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund, 1 winner of Ministry of Education Award for Young Teachers, 9 (new) Century Talent of Ministry of Education, 1 innovative team of Ministry of Education, more than 10 people in the domestic and foreign academic organizations or academic journals in key positions. Nearly three years,it has undertaken major National Science and Technology Projects, National High Technology Research and Development Program 863, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 115 major and key programs of Province and Municipality Ministries and other vertical R&D projects. Publications in the high-level and authoritative international academic journal have made new breakthroughs, with 313 papers published in SCI / SSCI / EI. The past five years witnessed 5 First Prizes and 6 Second Prizes of Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Province Scientific and Technological Progress and Province Social Science Outstanding Achievements.; it was approved 6 national quality courses, 2 bilingual courses, and boasted 1 Province Teaching Achievement Prize winner. Nearly three years, it hosted OCSAMSE Annual Conference, IEEE IE & EM, NSFC Shuangqing Forum, Annual Meeting of Chinese Management and other important series of domestic and international academic conferences.

3. Major Scientific Projects and Achievements for the past years

In the past thirty years, seven research achievements have won the first and second prizes of national Science and Technology Progress (four for the first complete unit); A number of foundational teaching of the discipline and monographs have been edited and published like Operational Research, Project Management, Analytic Hierarchy Theory, and Financial Research of Computational Experiment; Until the end of 2011 the highest single article SCI paper has been cited for 92 times. 4 people successivelyserved as Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council Convener (members). Several people have been taken as some of the important leaders of academic organizations and (deputy) editors of academic journals at home and abroad; it has cultivated Outstanding Youth Fund winners, China Youth Science and Technology Award winners, and tenured faculty in well-renowned universities. It has established a close cooperative relationship with the European Community, University of Arizona, Purdue University, and many other governmental organizations and academic institutions; Related educational projects passed the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Institute of Building (CIOB) and other authoritative international organization's curriculum system certification.

Meanwhile, in addition to undertaking research projects of national importance, we also actively face the main battlefield of economic construction, to assume and perform well in the collaborative research with a large number of medium-sized enterprises, the state key construction projects, economic/social management sectors, and defense department, providing an important scientific basis and effective technical means for their management decisions.

4. The Enrollment for Past Years

The discipline candidates mainly come from graduates of the year and in-service staff of Institutions of higher learning all over the country. The ratio of applications to the admissions is about 5:1.

5. Main Courses and Thesis Requirements During Graduate Study

Major courses during graduate study: Management Foundations of Mathematics, Operations Research, Applied Statistics, Paradigms and Methods of Management Research, Managerial Economics, Systems Analysis, Operations Management, Logistics, EngineeringProject Management, Financial Engineering, Intelligent Computation Methods, Fuzzy Decision-making and Analysis Methods.

Students are required to, during graduate studies, lay a solid theoretical foundation, and correctly use qualitative and quantitative system analysis method and the corresponding engineering technologicalmethod to solve practical management problems. Thesis needs to be on the basis of extensive knowledge of latest international and domestic developments in the field, creatively putting forward the ideas and methods of academic research, and applying creative solutions of research achievements to practical problems; Papers should have a rigorous theoretical analysis, detailed practical data and adequate experimental practice/empirical calculation, with rigorous reasoning, and systematic wording; Thesis writing should be provided in an orderly and rational manner with smooth writing and consistent with scientific writing specifications.

6. Employment

Management Science and Engineeringis a closely integrated discipline of both management theory and practice, which focuses on training the senior specialized talents of all-round development, with high management quality and good knowledge structure, capable of independent research work, and with strong innovation ability; Students are required to independently deal with economic and management matters, and scientific research and teaching, as well as have the ability to continue study, make innovations and improve capabilities after graduation; They also need to have a high level of foreign language proficiency so that to skillfully use a foreign language to read literature of this disciplines, write professional papers, and be competent in international academic exchange needs.

Graduates of the discipline are appropriate to work in large enterprises (state-owned or multinational corporations), government's economic management departments, finance and insurance industry, or engage in senior management, teaching and research work at universities and research institutes.