

Education Programs

Introduction of management science and engineering


Issuing time: 2013-05-15  source:

Management science and engineering(1201)

Cultivation goals:

Cultivate senior talents of management science and engineering with full moral, intellectual and physical development, who should have solid management theory foundation, master systematical and deep management knowledge, be familiar with international and national research trend, correctly apply management science and engineering method, independently carry out the research of frontier problems of management science, engage in related innovative work, and have higher quality, reasonable knowledge structure, strong academic research and practice.

Research fields:

1. theory and application of system engineering

2. system information and management

3. theory and application of management science

4. theory and application of industrial engineering

5. theory and application of engineering management

6. theory and application of financial engineering

Tutors: Yongqiang Chen, Gang Du, Junpeng Guo, Wei Guo, Zhen He, Jisong Kou, Bo Li, Congdong Li, Minqiang Li, Sheng Li, Jinlan Liu, Zixian Liu, Junhai Ma, Shoufeng Ma, Zhanwen Niu, Ershi Qi, Jiang Shen, Wansheng Tang, Bo Wang, Chunfeng Wang, Xueqing Wang, Baochen Yang, Xiaoguang Yang, Yilin Yin, Dajun Zeng, Lianying Zhang, Shuibo Zhang, Wei Zhang, Yongjie Zhang, Daozhi Zhao, Liming Zhao, Ruiqing Zhao, Tao Zhao, Zhigang Zhou

Introduction of discipline:

1.Profile of discipline

The discipline of management science and engineering came from one of the first batch institutes of system engineering established in 1978 and departments of systematical management engineering established in 1979. Professor Bao Liu, the founder, and others are the earliest founders for management science and engineering of China. Simon, the Nobel Prize winner was invited to work as the honorable professors in 1982 and came to give lecture during his life. In 1987, the major of system engineering became one of the first batch national key disciplines; during the first-class discipline evaluation after regulation of discipline contents, the discipline of management science and engineering in Tianjin University takes the lead in China; in 2002 and 2007, it was evaluated as the national key principle respectively.

2.Four special research fields

This discipline has shaped and held four special fields for a long term as one of the founders in China’s peers; (1) management of system engineering makes the dynamic analysis, modeling and optimization of social economic economy; (2) management of construction engineering with its features of international program management; (3) industrial engineering focuses on integrated management and quality engineering; (4) financial program and management makes the financial risk management and computational experiment finance.

3.Discipline development

Three or four decades, seven research programs have got 1st and 2nd awards of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (four programs are first completed by Tianjin University). It also edited and published Operational Research, Management of Engineering Program, Analytical Hierarchy Process, On Computational Experiment Finance and other fundamental textbooks and treaties; until the end of 2011, the highest citation times of single publication were 92. Four members of the discipline have taken the position of convener in appraisal group of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and many members have been the leaders of important academic organizations internationally and nationally, editors of important academic journals and others. The discipline has cultivated many winners of outstanding youth fundation, National Youth Science and Technology Award, as well as tenured professors of international and national well-known universities and others. It has also developed closely cooperative relation with EEC, University of Arizona, other governmental organizations and academic institutions, and its related educational programs have passed the course system authentication of RICS, CIOB and other authoritative international organizations.

4.Some symbolical achievements in recent years

The discipline now has two entrants of Thousand Plans in Tianjin, two winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund, one winner of Young Teacher Award, 9 new-century talents by Ministry of Education, and one innovative team of Ministry of Education; more than ten members have taken important positions in internationally and nationally academic organizations or journals. In recent three years, it has 115 programs from national major science and technology items, National High Technology Research and Development Program 863, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and other provincially major and key portrait items (actual expenditure is RMB 36.435 million) with actual horizontal expenditure is RMB 27.35 million; the discipline takes the lead in the quantity of acquiring funding programs in National Natural Science Foundation of China. It has also made breakthrough in publication in international high-level authorirative journals, which shows that 3123 publications are made in SCI/SSCI/EI, and the citation times of single publication in SCI are 20. In recent five years, it has got five awards of 1st prize and six awards of 2nd prize for Outstanding Achievements of Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Provincial Science and Technology Progress and Provincial Outstanding Achievements in Science and Technology; six national elite courses and two bilingual courses; together with one award of 2nd prize for provincial teaching achievements. In recent three years, it has organized OCSAMSE Annual Conference, IEEE IE&EM, NSFC, 7th Annual Conference for Academy of Management and other internal and national academic meetings.