





组织与战略管理系教授 案例中心主任

电子邮箱[email protected]

研究方向:知识管理与协同创新;供应链管理; 跨文化管理





时间 单位专业 学位/职务
2004-2008 天津大学管理科学与工程 博士
2002-2004 天津大学管理科学与工程 硕士
1996-2000 天津大学供热工程 学士


时间 单位专业 学位/职务
2023.06–至今 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 教授
2014.07-2023.06 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 副教授
2011.02-2013.07 美国普渡大学Krannert商学院 访问学者
2008.03-2014.06 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 讲师
2002.06-2008.03 天津大学国际合作与交流处 科长
2000.06-2002.06 天津大学校长办公室 科员



2090030 组织行为学 (本科生/MBA/MPA/MEM)

2090086 跨文化管理与领导力(本科生/MBA)

2090467 创新思维与创新方法 (本科生/研究生)



1. Li, Xiaomei*, and Ruiyi Li. (2024). “How Game-Based Learning Supports the Creativity of University Students? The Context of China.” Innovations in Education and Teaching International. (SSCI,ABS2 , IF=1.9)

2. Xie, Z., Li, X., Huang, D., Appolloni, A. and Fang, K. (2024). “Simultaneous product platform design and scheduling on unrelated additive/subtractive hybrid machines”. Industrial Management & Data Systems. (SCIE, ABS2, IF=4.2)

3. Sven Horak, Andreas Klein, David Ahlstrom, Xiaomei Li. (2024). “Resilience or decline of informal networks? Examining the role of trust context in network societies” International Business Review. (SSCI, ABS3, IF=5.9)

4. Jing Liu, Yuting Chen, Hai peng Ji, Xin Sun, Xiaomei Li*. (2024).“A multi-objective optimization method for industrial value chain under carbon risk”. Computer Industrial Engineering (SCI, ABS2, IF=6.7)

5. Xiaomei Li, Zhengbo Liang, Yan Liu. (2022). “Information provision and consumer search behavior for products with asymmetric uncertainty ”. Journal of Management Science and Engineering . (ESCI, IF=5.4)

6. Zhaofang Mao, Ting Liu, Xiaomei Li*. (2021). “Pricing Mechanism of Variable Opaque Products for Dual-channel Online Travel Agencies”. Annals of Operations Research (2021). (SCI, ABS3, IF=4.4)

7. Chengbo Wang, Xiaomei Li*, Hong Su, Ying Tian (2021). “Knowledge utilisation in Chinese medium sized manufacturing firms – an exploration under the backcloth of quality improvement”. Journal of Knowledge Management. (SSCI, ABS3, IF=8.182)

8. Andreas Klein, Sven Horak, Sabine Bacouël-Jentjens, and Xiaomei Li.(2021). “Does culture frame technological innovativeness? A study of millennials in triad countries”. European Journal of International Management.(SSCI, ABS2, IF=1.2)

9. Sven Horak, Andreas Klein, Xiaomei Li.(2020). “Can General and Particularistic Types of Trust Mix? Advancing the Trust (Dis-)Continuity Debate in a Chinese Context”. International Journal of Emerging Markets. (SSCI, ABS1, IF=2.7)

10. Na Liu, Xiaomei Li*, Ershi Qi, Man Xu, Ling Li, Bo Gao. (2020). “A Novel Ensemble Learning Paradigm for Medical Diagnosis with Imbalanced Data”. IEEE Access (SCI, IF=3.4)

11. 李晓梅*, 武梦欣.(2019). “ 突破性创新驱动因素元分析”.科技进步与对策. (CSSCI)

12. Zhaofang Mao, Shan Zhang, Xiaomei Li*.(2017). “Low carbon supply chain firm integration and firm performance in China”. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SSCI, ABS2, IF=9.7)

13. Mao Zhaofang. Dong Zhaochao, Liu Wei. Li Xiaomei.(2017).“Comparative research on joint strategy of advance selling and buy-back to conventional products and new products”.Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS).

14. Chengbo Wang, Xiaomei Li*, Xuan Ou, James O'Kane, Zhaofang Mao and Wenquan Zhang. (2015). “An Exploration of the Readiness, Challenges and Expected Support for Their overseas Study of Chinese Business and Management Programme Students”. Higher Education Quarterly. (SSCI, ABS2, IF=2.8)

15. Andrea Appolloni, Hui Sun, Fu Jia, Xiaomei LI*.(2014) .“Green Procurement in the private sector: a state of the art review between 1996 and 2013”. Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI, ABS2, IF=9.7)

16. 李晓梅. “基于社会资本与人力资本的创业活动与国家宏观经济关系研究”.(2014).科学进步与对策. (CSSCI)

17. Xiaomei Li, Yanping Xu, Shitian Cai.(2014).“Back Home or Not—Return Researchers Motivation and Policy Support”. International Journal of Advances in Management Science.

18. Chengbo WANG, Xiaomei LI*, Zhaofang MAO.(2013). “Green retailing practices: An exploratory comparison between Chinese and British retailers”. Journal of General Management (SSCI, ABS2, IF=1.2)

19. 李晓梅. (2013). “社会信任与文化价值对于国家创新绩效的作用研究”.科学学与科学技术管理.(CSSCI)

20. Hundley, G, Li, X*. (2012) “National Trust and the Effects of Firm Size and Foreign Ownership on Innovation “(Purdue CIBER Working paper 2012)

21. Hundley, G, Li, X*, & Juan, W. (2012). Academic employment models and human capital development: Implications for the return of talent and innovation in China, (Purdue CIBER Working Paper 2012)

22. Hundley, G, Li, X. (2012).“Do Institutions Affect Social Trust?”(Purdue CIBER Working Paper 2012)

23. Xiaomei Li, Xinyi Yang, Yicong Geng.“A Does transparency moderate the relationship between supply network and firm innovation”. AIB/AOM Annual Meeting , 2024, AIB Best paper Nominated

24. Xiaomei Li, Lifeng Liu, Yanfang Huo. “Is closer Kinship better? Kinship and innovation investment in Family Firms during Intergenerational Succession”. AIB Annual Meeting, Seoul, 2024

25. Xiaomei Li, Di Wang. “Envy can be Empowered! The Impact of Benign Envy and Desiring to Gain Face on Bootleg Innovation”. AOM, 2023.

26. Xiaomei Li, Ruijing Liu. “Research on the impact of social networks of overseas executives on the performance of technological innovation in enterprises”. IACMR, Hong Kong, 2023.

27. Xiaomei Li, Youqi You. A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis of How Enterprise Social Media Use Influences Innovation Performance. AIB Annual Meeting, Warsaw, 2023.

28. Xiaomei Li.“How do trust environment and firm size take complementary effect on firm level innovation? Evidence from China individual firms”.IACMR Conference ,2014

29. Xiaomei Li, Chengbo Wang.“Critical Success Measuring Criteria for BTB E-Commerce Usage”. INFORMS Healthcare, Chicago, 2013


1. Xiaomei Li, Xinyi Yang, Yicong Geng.“A Does transparency moderate the relationship between supply network and firm innovation”. AIB/AOM Annual Meeting , 2024, AIB Best paper Nominated

2. Xiaomei Li, Lifeng Liu, Yanfang Huo. “Is closer Kinship better? Kinship and innovation investment in Family Firms during Intergenerational Succession”. AIB Annual Meeting, Seoul, 2024

3. Xiaomei Li, Ruijing Liu. “Research on the impact of social networks of overseas executives on the performance of technological innovation in enterprises”. IACMR, Hong Kong, 2023.

4. Xiaomei Li, Youqi You. A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis of How Enterprise Social Media Use Influences Innovation Performance. AIB Annual Meeting, Warsaw, 2023.


1. 李晓梅,谢晓玉.(2022).“唐山翔宇:中小企业的国际化经营之路”. 中国管理案例共享中心(Case No. CPGN-0186)

2. 李晓梅,李劭峰,邓祝钧.(2021). “修武功 群侠戮力,闯功名 榜上争锋 ——游戏化管理赋能丰晖激励机制创新”.中国管理案例库(Cade No.:OB-0354;第14届中国百优案例)

3. 李晓梅,黄一鸣,石馨越,权真.(2019). “家门口 看名医:“好大夫在线”商业模式创新探索”.中国管理案例共享中心 (Case No. :STR-1019)

4. 李晓梅,董雪冰,高歌,袁鸣阳.(2019). ““出众”还是“成众”——联众钢管的海外市场开发之旅”. 中国管理案例共享中心( Case No. STR-0927)

5. Xiangyang Ma, Zeng Wang, Tieshan Li, Xianyi Li, Xiaomei Li. (2019).“NIO: Developing a Business Model in China.” Ivey Business School Case Series, 9B19M109

6. 李晓梅,董雪冰,袁鸣阳,高歌. (2018). ““铁树开花”——借力“一带一路”,撬动神秘阿拉伯(微案例)”. 中国管理案例共享中心 (Case No. : MSL-0040)

7. Xiaomei Li & Lawrence A. Plummer. (2017). “Mental and Natural: Building a Cloud-Based Collaboration Platform in China.” Ivey Business School Case Series, 9B17M067


1. Chengbo WANG, Xiaomei LI, Zhaofang MAO. The Readiness, Challenges, and Expected Support for Chinese Students’Overseas Study: A Focus on Business and Management Programmes. Handbook of Research on Education and Technology in a Changing Society. Idea Group, U.S., United States. (ISBN:978-1-4666-6047-2). 2014, v.2, p1084-1092.

2. 刘燕华等.《创新管理10大工具》.高等教育出版社出版.2011

3. 齐二石等.《公共绩效管理与方法》. 天津大学出版社.2008


1. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,城市物流的可持续运作研究(72361137004),2023.05 – 2026.04. 在研(第一参与人)

2. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,面向智能制造价值链的生产自组织协同机理与管理方法(92167206) ,2022.01 – 2024.12. 在研(第二参与人)

3. 科技部科技评估中心科技部专项,国家自然基金绩效评价项目数据分析与绩效报告研究,2021.10 – 2025.06. 在研(项目主持人)

4. 科技部创新方法专项,创新三师专家库建设方案研究(2020IM030300),2020.10 – 2023.10 结题(项目主持人)

5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,跨文化情境下多重信任对中国对外投资企业创新行为作用研究(71402116),2015.01 – 2017.12. 结题(项目主持人)

6. 科技部创新方法专项,支持企业突变性创新的管理创新方法研究, 2014.10-2016.10. 结题(项目主持人)


1. 中国技术经济学会技术创新创业分会 常务理事;

2. 创新方法研究会管理技术分会 常务理事;

3. 美国管理学学会(AOM)会员;

4. 美国国际商务学会(AIB)会员