叶雨潇,新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 运营与供应链管理系副教授。2013年获浙江大学人力资源管理学士学位,2019年获浙江大学管理学博士学位,2020年获香港理工大学博士学位。我的研究兴趣主要集中在运营和供应链管理中的实证研究。我已发表的论文和正在推进的研究主要关注以下两方面的主题:(1)运营与供应链ESG管理研究;(2)运营与供应链安全研究。我研究在数字化、复杂化、网络化的环境中,企业和其所在的全球供应链如何向绿色、安全、和谐的方向发展。
我的研究成果发表在Production and Operations Management (UTD-24)、International Journal of Operations & Production Management (ABS 4)、International Journal of Production Economics, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 等SSCI/SCI检索期刊。
时间 | 单位 | 学位/职务 |
2009 - 2013 | 浙江大学 | 管理学学士 |
2013.09-2019.06 | 浙江大学 | 管理学博士 |
2016.03 –2020.05 | 香港理工大学 | 浙江大学-香港理工大学联合哲学博士学位 |
1. Huan He, Yuxiao Ye*, Baofeng Huo. (2024). How employee training drives firm production repurposing in COVID-19 pandemic: The perspective of ability-motivation-opportunity, International Journal of Production Economics, //doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109444
2. Yuxiao Ye, Yiting Han, Baofeng Huo*. (2024). The liability of foreignness and operational security: Evidence from emerging markets, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, //doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-04-2023-0264
3. Lu Yang, Baofeng Huo, and Yuxiao Ye*. (2024). The impact of IT use on supply chain coordination: the moderating role of environmental uncertainty, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 39(8), 1809-1826.
4. Ning Xu, Baofeng Huo, and Yuxiao Ye*. (2024). The impact of supply chain pressure on cross-functional green integration and environmental performance: an empirical study from Chinese firms. Operations Management Research, 1-23.
5. Yuxiao Ye, Shenyang Jiang*, Di Fan, Baofeng Huo. Maggie Wenjing Liu. (2023). Rigidity in Crisis: The Impact of OHSAS 18001 Certification on Production Repurposing in COVID-19, Production and Operations Management, //doi.org/10.1111/poms.14008.
6. Xiaochen Yue, Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye*. (2023). The impact of coercive pressure and ethical responsibility on cross-functional green management and firm performance. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 38(5), 1015-1028.
7. Yuxiao Ye, Lu Yang*, Baofeng Huo, Xiande Zhao. (2023). The impact of supply chain social capital on supply chain performance: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 38(5), 1176-1190.
8. Yuxiao Ye, Mohammed Ali Suleiman*, Baofeng Huo. (2022). Impact of just-in-time (JIT) on supply chain disruption risk: The moderating role of supply chain centralization. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(7), 1665-1685.
9. Mohammed Ali Suleiman, Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye*. (2021). Linking supplier JIT to flexibility performance: The moderating impact of advanced manufacturing technology and human resource empowerment. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(11), 2237-2253.
10. Yuxiao Ye, Andy C. L. Yeung, Baofeng Huo*. (2020). Maintaining stability while boosting growth? The long-term impact of environmental accreditations on firms' financial risk and sales growth. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 40(12), 1829-1856.
11. Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye*, Xiande Zhao, Kaihang Zhu. (2019). Supply chain quality integration: A taxonomy perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 207, 236-246.
12. Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye, Xiande Zhao, Jiang Wei, Zhongsheng Hua*. (2018). Environmental uncertainty, specific assets, and opportunism in 3PL relationships: A transaction cost economics perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 154-163.
13. Yuxiao Ye, Baofeng Huo*, Min Zhang, Bill Wang, Xiande Zhao. (2018). The impact of modular designs on new product development outcomes: The moderating effect of supply chain involvement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(5), 444-458.
14. Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye, Xiande Zhao, Yongyi Shou*. (2016). The impact of human capital on supply chain integration and competitive performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 178, 132-143.
15. Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye, Xiande Zhao*. (2015). The impacts of trust and contracts on opportunism in the 3PL industry: The moderating role of demand uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 160-170.
1. Ye, Y., Han, Y., Huo, B., The impact of foreign ownership on operational risk: Evidence from emerging markets, 2022 POMS International Conference, online, 21-24 April, 2022
2. Ye, Y., Li, X., Huo, B., The impact of bank loans and supply chain financing on firm innovation: The moderating role of informal competition, 2022 POMS International Conference, 21-24 April, 2022
3. Ye, Y., Han, Y., Huo, B., The impact of foreign ownership on operational risk: Evidence from emerging markets, The 15th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, online, 17-19 August, 2022.
4. He, H., Ye, Y., Huo, B., The impact of human capital on operational adaptability in the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating effect of slack resources, The 15th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, online, 17-19 August, 2022.
5. Lin, Y., Fan, D., Ye, Y., Do tunneling behaviors relate to environmental misconduct of firms? Evidence from Chinese Listed firms, Asian FA, online, 2-4 July, 2021
6. Xu, N., Huo, B., Ye, Y., Unite under pressure? The impact of supply chain pressure on cross-functional green integration and environmental performance, The 14th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, online, 17-18 July, 2021
7. Yue, X., Huo, B., Ye, Y., Legitimacy seeking or ethic seeking: Understanding the drivers of green integration and impacts on market and environmental performance, 2021 POMS International Conference, online, April 30-5 March, 2021
8. Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., Di Fan., "The Impact of ISO 14001 Certification on Operational Risk: The Moderating Roles of Government Monitor and Slack Resources", The 13th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Shenzhen, China, 19-22 July, 2019 (Best paper award session, ICOSCM Xiande Zhao Best Paper Award(会议排名第一论文奖))
9. Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., Di Fan., "Saving the environment, saving lives: The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on operational risks", The Twelfth International Annual Conference Of CSAMSE, Chengdu, China, 13-15 July, 2019
10. Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., "Growth or stability: The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on firm financial risk and market growth", 2019 POMS International Conference, Tianjin, China, 22-23 June, 2019
11. Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., Fan, D., "Saving the environment, saving lives: The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on operational risks", The 4th Workshop on Empirical Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference, Tianjin, China, 9-12 June, 2019 (Academic presentation)
12. Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., "Growth or stability: The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on firm financial risk and market growth", 第二届中国可持续运营与管理学术会议, Xi'an, China, 17-20 May, 2019
13. Ye, Y., Huo, B. “Aligning stakeholder pressures with economic orientations in firms’ green processes”, The 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Qingdao, China, 12-15 July, 2018
14. Ye, Y., Yeung, A., Huo, B., “The impact of coercive pressure and ethical responsibility on green management and performance: Evidence from China”, 2017 POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, 5-8 May 2016
15. Ye, Y., Huo, B. “Enhancing Supply Chain Coordination through IT implementation: The Moderating Role of Environmental Uncertainty”, The 10th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Chongqing, China, 17-19 July, 2016
16. Ye, Y., Huo, B. “The impact of supply chain social capital on supply chain performance”, The 9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Ningbo, China, 13-15 July, 2015
1. 霍宝锋, 于雅婷, 孟凡双, 杨天瑞, 叶雨潇, 姚佩佩.(2024). “双一流”高校学科交叉创新:经管与理工交叉. 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 26 (04): 289-300.
2. 霍宝锋, 叶雨潇, 李多. (2022) 全链条整合人才培养模式:以“双一流”高校本科人才培养为例, 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 24(4), 305-312
3. 霍宝锋, 叶雨潇, 何欢. (2021). 人文社会科学研究与发展:以天津大学为例, 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 23(2), 97-112
4. 叶雨潇,张锦,刘伟华,等. (2022). 新工科视角下我国高校物流工程专业转型方向研究, 物流研究, 1: 83-91.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 72472112,ESG视角下全球供应链重构研究,2025-01至2028-12,42万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,72002150,企业可见性对可持续供应链实践和可持续竞争优势的影响研究,2021-01至2023-12,24万元,结题,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,72432009,基于ESG的供应链成员竞合策略与机制研究,2025-01至2029-12,161万元,在研,参与
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大项目,72091214,面向价值创造的平台供应链整合,2021-01至2025-12,250万元,在研,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,72271182,智能化组织中数智压迫的识别、形成和治理研究,2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31,44万元,在研,参与
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,72072125,基于平台的产能分享参与主体协调机制研究,2021-01至2024-12,48万元,在研,参与
7. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作交流项目,7181101161,城市能源系统可持续发展:政策设计、运营优化与市场协调,2019-03至2022-03,200万元,结题,参加
8. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家青年科学基金项目,71602173,合同与纽带对企业合作式创新的影响——基于中国制度环境的实证研究,2017-01至2019-12,17万元,结题,参加
9. 天津市重点研发计划科技支撑重点项目,大型制造企业网络协同服务平台运营管理研究,在研,参与
10. 天津市教委社科重大项目,天津市高校学科专业布局与产业发展需求对策研究,在研,参与
11. 工程院重大战略咨询项目,天津港产城融合发展战略下 数智赋能的城市航运服务提升研究,在研,参加
12. 工程院重点战略咨询项目,智能无人系统战略性新兴产业体系发展战略研究,结题,参加
13. 天津市社科联重点调研项目,天津市与三北地区协同发展研究,结题,参加
1. 教育部,新工科项目,智慧经济与创新驱动视角下的物流工程专业改造升级探索与实践,参与
2. 教育部,新文科项目,理工类高校新文科交叉融合发展研究,参与
3. 教育部,课程思政,工商管理类专业课程思政教学指南,参与
4. 物流教指委,教改项目,“多层次-立体化-递进式”的供应链创新人才培养体系研究与实践,参与
5. 天津大学,十四五规划发展课题,天津大学人才培养模式改革目标、原则、步骤及评价机制,参与
担任《International Journal of Production Economics》编委(ERB),担任《Journal of Operations Management》《International Journal of Operations & Production Management》《International Journal of Production Research》《International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management》《Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review》《International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications》《Journal of Business Research》《Industrial Management & Data Systems》《管理工程学报》《系统工程理论与实践》等期刊的匿名审稿人。
1. 天津市政府,天津市与“三北”地区联动发展的政策建议,参与
2. 天津市政府,全球新冠疫情对天津市产业链的主要挑战的对策建议,参与
3. 智库报告直报,国际人工智能领域知识产权发展趋势及我之经验策略,参与
4. 中交建,海南自贸港建设下的中交海投重点产业机遇与策略研究,参与
1. POMS-China, Best Student Paper Award (Third prize), Stay or move? The effect of environmental regulation on global supply chain reconfiguration, 2024
2. 浙江省优秀博士学位论文提名论文,企业前瞻型环境管理实践:利益相关者前置因素和绩效结果,浙江省研究生教育协会,2019
3. 浙江大学优秀博士学位提名论文,企业前瞻型环境管理实践:利益相关者前置因素和绩效结果,2019
4. Xiande Zhao最佳论文奖,The Impact of ISO 14001 Certification on Operational Risk: The Moderating Roles of Government Monitor and Slack Resources,第13届ICOSCM国际会议,2019
5. 第五届日日顺全国物流创客营优秀指导教师奖,2020
6. 第九届日日顺全国物流创客营优秀指导教师奖,2024
7. 教育部物流教指委,教改一等奖
8. 天津大学教育成果奖,二等奖