张建雄, 男, 1979 年 11 月生, 天津大学系统工程研究所教授、博士生导师。入选 2019 中国高被引学者(决策科学领域)。2006 年获天津大学管理科学与工程博士学位。主要研究方向为动态供应链管理、复杂系统建模与优化。已在 EJOR, JOTA, Omega, IJPE, IJPR, AOR, IEEE Transactions.等管理科学领域国际权威杂志及 Neural Computation, Pattern Recognition, Biological Cybernetics, Nonlinear Dynamics 等复杂系统控制与优化领域国际权威杂志上发表论文 100 余篇。谷歌学术显示论文总被引 1598 次,H 指数为 22。现主持国家自然科学基金项目 1 项。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目 2 项、教育部博士学科点新教师基金和教育部人文社会科学基金各 1 项。参与完成教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”项目和国家自然科学基金项目各 1 项。2011 年获得“教育部新世纪优秀人才”称号。2012 年获得天津大学“北洋青年学者”称号。协助指导的博士生郑鹏升获得 2012 年全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖。获得 2014 年教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第四)。任美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews) 评论员。担任 Emerald 国际杂志Journal of Modelling in Management 的 Associate Editor。张建雄教授于 2013 年、 2014 年先后在香港城市大学商学院(导师 Frank Chen)和美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校新葡京娱乐场 (导师 Suresh Sethi)做访问研究。
时间 | 单位 | 学位/职务 |
2015.7-今 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 | 教授 |
2013.7-2015.6 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 | 特聘研究员 |
2013.12-2014.12 | 美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 | 访问学者 |
2013.5-2013.11 | 香港城市大学商学院 | 访问学者 |
2009.7-2013.6 | 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 | 副教授 |
2004-2006 | 天津大学管理与科学工程专业 | 博士 |
[1] 2011 年度教育部新世纪优秀人才称号[2] 2012 年入选北洋青年学者
[3] 2014 年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖,排名第四
[1] Shichen Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang*. Agency selling or reselling: E-tailer information sharing with supplier offline entry, European Journal of Operational Research. 2020, 280(1): 134-
151. (Abs 4)
[2] Rui Yang, Wansheng Tang*, Jianxiong Zhang. Technology improvement strategy for green products under competition: The role of government subsidy. European Journal of Operational Research. Accepted. (Abs 4)
[3] Liqun Wei, Jianxiong Zhang, Guowei Zhu*. Incentive of retailer information sharing on manufacturer volume flexibility choice, Omega. 2020. Accepted. (Abs 3)
[4] Xiaojie Sun, Wansheng Tang, Jing Chen*, Jianxiong Zhang. Optimal investment strategy of a free-floating sharing platform, Transportation Research Part E. 2020, 138: 101958. (Abs 3)
[5] Qian Wei, Jianxiong Zhang, Guowei Zhu*, Rui Dai, Shichen Zhang. Retailer vs. vendor managed inventory with considering stochastic learning effect, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2020, 71(4): 628-646. (Abs 3)
[6] Jing Lu, Jianxiong Zhang, Fuxiao Lu*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal pricing on an age-specific inventory system for perishable items, Operational Research. 2020, 20: 605-625.
[7] Rui Dai, Jianxiong Zhang, Guowei Liu*. Carbon tariff vs. emission cap of North-South countries in response to manufacturer's production. Sustainability. 2020, 12(4): 1443.
[8] Enfeng Xing, Chengdong Shi*, Jianxiong Zhang, et al. Double third-party recycling closed- loop supply chain decision under the perspective of carbon trading. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 259: 120651.
[9] Musen Xue*, Jianxiong Zhang. Supply chain encroachment with quality decision and different power structures, RAIRO-Operations Research, 2020, 54(3): 693-718.
[10] Rui Yang, Wansheng Tang*, Jianxiong Zhang. Implications of government subsidies for waste cooking oil considering asymmetric information. Kybernetes. 2020. DOI: 10.1108/K- 10-2019-0708.
[11] Fengxia Mai, Jianxiong Zhang, Rui Yang, Xiaojie Sun*. Complexity analysis of pricing in a multi-channel supply chain with spillovers from online to offline sales. Complexity. 2020, Article ID 3145478.
[12] Fengxia Mai, Jianxiong Zhang, Xiaojie Sun*. Analysis of dynamic Cournot game in a co- opetition supply chain. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2020, Article ID 4168395.
[13] Yongzhao Wang, Liqun Wei*, Jianxiong Zhang. A joint dynamic pricing, advertising and production model with inventory level dependent goodwill. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2020. Accepted.
[14] Qian Wei, Jianxiong Zhang, Xiaojie Sun*. Incentive contract design for supplier switching with considering learning effect. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 2020, Accepted.
[15] Jianxiong Zhang, Sa Li, Shichen Zhang*, Rai Dai. Manufacturer encroachment with quality decision under asymmetric demand information, European Journal of Operational Research. 2019, 273(1): 217-236. (Abs 4)
[16] Qiao Zhang, Wansheng Tang, Georges Zaccour, Jianxiong Zhang*. Should a manufacturer give up pricing power in a vertical information-sharing channel? European Journal of Operational Research. 2019, 276(3): 910-928. (Abs 4)
[17] Shichen Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang, Guowei Zhu*. Retail service investing: an anti- encroachment strategy in a retailer-led supply chain, Omega. 2019, 84(4): 212-231. (Abs 3)
[18] Fuxiao Lu, Wansheng Tang, Guowei Liu*, Jianxiong Zhang. Cooperative advertising: A way escaping from the prisoner's dilemma in a supply chain with sticky price, Omega. 2019, 86(7): 87-106. (Abs 3)
[19] Liqun Wei, Jianxiong Zhang, Rui Dai, Guowei Zhu*. Green flexible vs. inflexible capacity strategies for duopoly, Transportation Research Part E. 2019, 122(2): 247-267. (Abs 3)
[20] Xiaojie Sun, Wansheng Tang, Jing Chen*, Sa Li, Jianxiong Zhang. Manufacturer encroachment with production cost reduction under asymmetric information, Transportation Research Part E. 2019, 128: 191-211. (Abs 3)
[21] Shichen Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang*, Jiang Shen, Wansheng Tang. A joint dynamic pricing and production model with asymmetric reference price effect, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 2019, 15(2): 667-688.
[22] Fuxiao Lu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Wholesale price contract versus consignment contract in a supply chain considering dynamic advertising, International Transactions in Operational Research. 2019, 26: 1977-2003.
[23] Rui Dai, Jianxiong Zhang, Shichen Zhang*. Standard setting with considerations of energy efficiency evolution and market competition, Complexity. 2019, Article ID 6296158.
[24] Jing Lu, Jianxiong Zhang, Xinyun Jia, Guowei Zhu*. Optimal dynamic pricing, preservation technology investment and periodic ordering policies for agricultural products, RAIRO- Operations Research. 2019, 53(3): 731-747.
[25] Shichen Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang*. Contract preference with stochastic cost learning in a two- period supply chain under asymmetric information, International Journal of Production Economics. 2018, 196(2): 226-247. (Abs 3)
[26] Jianxiong Zhang, Rui Dai, Qiao Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. An optimal energy efficiency investment and product pricing strategy in a two-market framework, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(4): 608-621. (Regular Paper) (Abs 3)
[27] Qiao Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang, Georges Zaccour*, Wansheng Tang. Strategic technology licensing in a supply chain, European Journal of Operational Research. 2018, 267(1): 162-
175. (Abs 4)
[28] Qiao Zhang, Wansheng Tang*, Jianxiong Zhang. Who should determine energy efficiency level in a green cost-sharing supply chain with learning effect? Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 115(1): 226-239.
[29] Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Dynamic joint pricing and production policy for perishable products, International Transactions in Operational Research. 2018, 25(6): 2031-2051.
[30] Jianxiong Zhang, Liyan Lei, Fuxiao Lu*, Lixin Cui. The effect of the manufacturer-weak retailer alliance on the supply chain performance, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 2018, 29(4): 457-487.
[31] Jing Lu, Jianxiong Zhang, Qiao Zhang*. Dynamic pricing for perishable items with costly price adjustments, Optimization Letters. 2018, 12(2): 347-365.
[32] Musen Xue*, Jianxiong Zhang. Impacts of heterogeneous environment awareness and power structure on green supply chain, RAIRO-Operations Research, 2018, 52(1): 143-157.
[33] Zongsheng Huang, Jiajia Nie*, Jianxiong Zhang. Dynamic cooperative promotion models with competing retailers and negative promotional effects on brand image, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 118(4): 291-308.
[34] Rui Yang, Wansheng Tang, Rui Dai*, Jianxiong Zhang. Contract design in reverse recycling supply chain with waste cooking oil under asymmetric cost information, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 201: 61-77.
[35] Jianxiong Zhang, Qian Wei, Guowei Liu*, Wansheng Tang. A supplier switching model with the competitive reactions and economies of scale effects, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017, 47(11): 2831-2843. (Regular Paper) (Abs 3)
[36] Rui Dai, Jianxiong Zhang*. Green process innovation and differentiated pricing strategies with environmental concerns of South-North markets, Transportation Research Part E. 2017, 98(2): 132-150. (Abs 3)
[37] Jianxiong Zhang, Liyan Lei, Shichen Zhang*, Lijun Song. Dynamic vs. static pricing in a supply chain with advertising, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 109: 266-279.
[38] Jianxiong Zhang, Jianqi Li, Lihao Lu*, Rui Dai. Supply chain performance for deteriorating items with cooperative advertising, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 2017, 26(1):23-49.
[39] Lihao Lu*, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Coordinating a supply chain with negative effect of retailer's local promotion on goodwill and reference price. RAIRO-Operations Research, 2017, 51(1): 227-252.
[40] Qiao Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Coordinating a supply chain with green innovation in a dynamic setting, 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research. 2017, 15(2): 133-162. (Abs 2)
[41] Rui Dai, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Cartelization or Cost-sharing? Comparison of cooperation modes in a green supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 156, 159- 173.
[42] Yang Liu, Jianxiong Zhang, Shichen Zhang, Guowei Liu*. Prisoner's dilemma on behavioral choices in the presence of sticky prices: farsightedness vs. myopia, International Journal of Production Economics. 2017, 191, 128-142. (Abs 3)
[43] Jiajia Nie, Jianxiong Zhang*. Distribution channel selection considering advertising productiveness, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 2017, 28, 437-450. (Abs 2)
[44] Musen Xue*, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang, Rui Dai. Quality improvement and pricing with reference quality effect. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2017, 26(5): 665-682.
[45] Guowei Liu, Suresh P Sethi, Jianxiong Zhang*. Myopic vs. farsighted behaviors in a revenue-sharing supply chain with reference quality effects, International Journal of Production Research. 2016, 54(5): 1334-1357. (Abs 3)
[46] Jianxiong Zhang, Qian Wei, Qiao Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Pricing, service and preservation technology investments policy for deteriorating items under common resource constraints. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 95: 1-9. (Abs 2)
[47] Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal inventory control and pricing of perishable items without shortages, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 2016, 13(2): 918-931 (Regular Paper).
[48] Qiao Zhang, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang*. Green supply chain performance with cost learning and operational inefficiency effects, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 112, 3267- 3284.
[49] Lihao Lu, Qinglong Gou, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang*. Joint pricing and advertising strategy with reference price effect. International Journal of Production Research. 2016, 54(17): 5250-5270. (Abs 3)
[50] Fuxiao Lu, Guowei Liu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Benefits of partial myopia in a durable product supply chain considering pricing and advertising. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(10): 1309-1324. (Abs 3)
[51] Musen Xue, Wansheng Tang*, Jianxiong Zhang. Optimal dynamic pricing for deteriorating items with reference-price effects, International Journal of Systems Science. 2016, 47(9): 2022-2031.
[52] Musen Xue, Wansheng Tang*, Jianxiong Zhang. Supply chain pricing and coordination with mark-down strategy in the presence of conspicuous consumers, International Transactions in Operational Research. 2016, 23(6): 1051-1065.
[53] Lihao Lu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal dynamic pricing and replenishment policy for perishable items with inventory-level-dependent demand, International Journal of Systems Science. 2016, 47(6): 1480-1494.
[54] Jianxiong Zhang, Guowei Liu, Qiao Zhang*, Zhenyu Bai. Coordinating a supply chain for deteriorating items with a revenue sharing and cooperative investment contract, Omega. 2015, 56(10): 37-49. (Abs 3)
[55] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang, Mingmao Hu. Optimal supplier switching with volume- dependent switching costs, International Journal of Production Economics. 2015, 161: 96-
104. (Abs 3)
[56] Jianxiong Zhang, Yu Wang, Lihao Lu*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal dynamic pricing and replenishment cycle for non-instantaneous deterioration items with inventory-level- dependent demand, International Journal of Production Economics. 2015, 170: 136-145. (Abs 3)
[57] Guowei Liu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Strategic transfer pricing in a marketing- operations interface with quality level and advertising dependent goodwill, Omega. 2015, 56(10): 1-15. (Abs 3)
[58] Guowei Liu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Joint dynamic pricing and investment strategy for perishable foods with price-quality dependent demand, Annals of Operations Research. 2015, 226(1): 397-416. (Abs3)
[59] Shukai Li, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Joint dynamic pricing and inventory control policy for a stochastic inventory system with perishable products, International Journal of Production Research. 2015, 53(10): 2937-2950. (Abs 3)
[60] Qiao Zhang*, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. A dynamic advertising model with reference price effect. RAIRO-Operations Research, 2015, 49 (4): 669-688.
[61] Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. A joint dynamic pricing and advertising model of perishable products, Journal of the Operational Research Society. 2015, 66(8): 1341-1351. (Abs 3)
[62] Yu Wang, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Dynamic pricing for non-instantaneous deteriorating items, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2015, 26(4): 629-640.
[63] Jianxiong Zhang*, Lin Feng, Wansheng Tang. Optimal contract design of Supplier-led outsourcing based on Pontryagin Maximum Principle, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2014, 161(2):592-607. (Abs 3)
[64] Jianxiong Zhang*, Zhenyu Bai, Wansheng Tang. Optimal pricing policy for deteriorating items with preservation technology investment. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 2014, 10(4): 1261-1277.
[65] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang, Lin Feng and Mingmao Hu. A principal-agent model in a supplier-led supply chain under asymmetric information, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 2014, 25(2): 185-201. (Abs 2)
[66] Musen Xue, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal temperature control for quality of perishable foods, ISA Transactions. 2014, 53(2): 542-546.
[67] Wenwen Liu, Wansheng Tang, Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang. Dynamic pricing under temperature control for perishable foods, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 2014, 23(3): 252-265.
[68] Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal control of production and remanufacturing for recovery system with perishable items, International Journal of Production Research. 2013, 51(13): 3977–3994. (Abs 3)
[69] Shukai Li, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Stabilization strategies of supply networks with stochastic switched topology, Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2013, ID 605017.
[70] Shukai Li, Xinzhi Liu, Wansheng Tang, Jianixong Zhang. Flocking of multi-agents following a leader with adaptive protocol in a noisy environment, Asian Journal of Control. 2014, 16(6): 1771-1778.
[71] Junqun Xu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Parameters and structure identification of complex delayed networks via pinning control, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2013, 35(5): 619-624.
[72] Junqun Xu, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Approximate synchronization of uncertain complex delayed networks with non-identical nodes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 2013, 90(5): 921-936.
[73] Shukai Li, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang, Wei Zhang. Guaranteed cost control for uncertain stochastic hybrid complex delayed networks, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. 2013, 30(3): 315-327.
[74] Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Optimal inventory control of perishable products with inventory-level-dependent demand, Information. 2012, 15(8): 3323-3332.
[75] Shukai Li, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Robust H-infinity control for impulsive switched complex delayed networks, Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2012, 56(11- 12): 257-267.
[76] Shukai Li, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Robust control for synchronization of singular complex delayed networks with stochastic switched coupling, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 2012, 89(10): 1332-1344.
[77] Shukai Li, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Guaranteed cost control of synchronization for uncertain complex delayed networks, International Journal of Systems Science. 2012, 43(3): 566-575.
[78] Jian Wang, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Approximate synchronization of two non- linear systems via impulsive control, Proc. IMechE Part I: J. Systems and Control Engineering. 2012, 226(13): 338-347.
[79] Lili Deng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang, Wei Zhang. Effects of some topological ingredients on the evolutionary ultimatum game, Communications in Theoretical Physics. 2012, 58: 349-358.
[80] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang, Lili Deng, Hongxing Gao. Control of uncertain piecewise discrete-time linear systems via state and output feedback, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2012, 34(5): 509-519.
[81] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. A novel bounded 4D chaotic system, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2012, 67(4): 2455-2465.
[82] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Optimal control for a class of chaotic systems. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2012, ID 859542.
[83] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang, Pengsheng Zheng. Estimating the ultimate bound and positively invariant set for a class of Hopfield networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 2011, 22(11): 1735-1743 (Regular paper).
[84] Shukai Li, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Robust H∞ output feedback control for uncertain complex delayed dynamical networks, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2011, 62: 497-505.
[85] Lili Deng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. The coevolutionary ultimatum game on different network topologies, Physica A. 2011, 390:4227-4235.
[86] Lili Deng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Coevolution of structure and strategy promoting fairness in the ultimatum game, Chinese Physics Letters 2011, 28(7): 070204.
[87] Pengsheng Zheng, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Learning associative memories by error backpropagation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 2011, 22(3): 347-355 (Regular paper).
[88] Pengsheng Zheng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Analysis and synthesis of Cohen– Grossberg networks with asymmetric connections, Connection Science. 2011, 23(3): 173- 182.
[89] Pengsheng Zheng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Color image associative memory on a class of Cohen–Grossberg networks, Pattern Recognition. 2010, 43(10): 3255-3260.
[90] Pengsheng Zheng, Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Analysis and design of asymmetric Hopfield networks with discrete-time dynamics, Biological Cybernetics. 2010, 103(1): 79-85.
[91] Pengsheng Zheng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. A simple method for designing efficient small world neural networks, Neural Networks. 2010, 23(1): 155-159.
[92] Pengsheng Zheng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Efficient continuous-time asymmetric Hopfield networks for memory retrieval, Neural Computation. 2010, 22(6): 1597-1614.
[93] Pengsheng Zheng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Some novel double-scroll chaotic attractors in Hopfield networks, Neurocomputing. 2010,73: 2280-2285.
[94] Pengsheng Zheng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. A new chaotic Hopfield network with piecewise linear activation function, Chinese Physics B. 2010, 19(3): 030514.
[95] Pengsheng Zheng, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Dynamic analysis of unstable Hopfield networks, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010, 61: 399-406.
[96] Shukai Li, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain stochastic complex delayed dynamical networks, Stochastics and Dynamics. 2010, 10(4):577-590.
[97] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. A chaotic system with Holder continuity, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010, 62(4): 761-768.
[98] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Analysis and control for a new chaotic system via piecewise linear feedback, Chaos Solitons and Fractals. 2009, 42(4): 2181-2190.
[99] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Output feedback optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain piecewise linear systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2009, 19(5): 569-590.
[100] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Control and synchronization for a class of new chaotic systems via linear feedback, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2009, 58(4): 675-686.
[101] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang. Output feedback H∞ control for uncertain piecewise linear systems, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. 2008, 14(1): 121-144.
[102] Jianxiong Zhang*, Wansheng Tang, Yong Xu. A new three-dimensional chaotic system, ACTA Physica Sinica. 2008, 57(11): 6799-6807. (In Chinese)
[1] 基于不对称信息和行为因素的供应链侵入与反侵入问题研究,2020.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金(编号 71971152)(主持)
[2] 不确定环境下易逝品库存控制与动态定价联合决策研究,2015.01-2018.12,国家自然科学基金(编号 61473204)(主持)
[3] 生鲜农产品供应链库存控制及动态定价决策研究,2014.7-2017.7,教育部人文社科青年基金(编号 14YJCZH204)(主持)
[4] 不确定分段线性系统最优控制方法及应用,2011.01-2013.12,国家自然科学基金(编号 61004015)(主持)
[5] 分段线性时滞系统鲁棒最优控制理论及应用,2010.01-2012.12,教育部博士学科点新教师科学基金(编号 20090032120034)(主持)
[6] 动态供应链管理,2012.01-2014.12,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(编号NCET-11-0377)(主持)
[7] 复杂社会经济系统的计算实验研究,2011.01-2013.12,教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划(编号 IRT1028)(参与)
[1] 担任美国《Mathematical Reviews》的 Reviewer
[2] 担任国际杂志 Journal of Modelling in Management 的 Associate Editor
[3] 担 任 Decision Sciences, Tourism Management, IIE Transactions, Omega, EJOR, IJPE, IJPR, AOR, JORS, ITOR 等管理类杂志及 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Nonlinear Dynamics 等复杂系统类杂志的审稿人